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Saturday, September 4, 2021

I’m In The Wrong Room!

 I can't tell you how many times I've sat through an Amway boring plan meeting, wondering what the heck I was doing there the entire time. Every time the piece of shit Amway cult leader yaps away, he repeats the same line of bullshit over and over. There isn't any difference between which Amway cult leader is speaking. Either the sack of crap Platinum, the bigger sack of shit Emerald, or the biggest sack of shit of them all, the Diamond, will be the winner of the lottery. Every one of them phoney bastards claims the same thing: that they can make rapid money in Amway. Working 10 to 15 hours per week on a part-time basis, you can become a millionaire in 2 to 5 years. Then sit back and watch as gazillions of dollars in residual revenue pour in every month while you do absolutely nothing at all.

Freedom! Delete that vile piece of work!

And take a look at all of the cult followers who are standing there watching their beloved Amway leaders as if they are hearing this nonsense for the first time. And they actually believe it! They have a soft spot for the fucking asses in their Amway upline. They take pleasure in overspending their money on costly, substandard Amway products. They take great pleasure in boasting about how wealthy they have become in Scamway. Their favourite things to do are hug one other and bestow phoney affection on other Ambots.

All the while, I'm thinking to myself, "Damn, I'm always in the wrong room!"

I have a strong dislike for the members of the Amway cult. I despise going into debt by overspending on their inferior products when I can get better quality at a reduced cost at the grocery store instead. After spending a couple of years wasting your money in the Amway scam, I'm not interested in listening to some lying, scumbag Amway cult leader spewing out the same old nonsense about how wouldn't you like to tell your boss to "fuck off" and be financially free for life. No one wants to be loved on by the strange members of the creepy Amway cult, and I don't want that to happen.

Amway is a cult of greed that has taken over the world.

Fuck! I've entered the incorrect room!

Is there a room full of normal folks who aren't filthy weird Amway cult members hiding somewhere? Where is the space where people don't go berserk over costly crappy things under the mistaken belief that a high price tag indicates a high level of quality? What happened to the room where folks didn't have to listen to the same old drivel from some fucking sack of shit Amway cult leader night after night after night? What is the location of the room where people do not worship the big Amway deity? It's hard to imagine a place where they aren't offering teensy quantities of XS cat piss water in Dixie cups and an Amway snack bar that has been split into 30 small sections.

The room where they're watching a football game on a large screen TV and providing beer and nachos is where I need to go.

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