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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Buy Nothing From Amway And Be Heard

 Recently, I saw an interview with a man who has written a book about customers and how we may influence the behaviour of corporations. He employs his blog to disseminate information about various businesses. The majority of the time, this is due to businesses that provide shoddy products and even shoddy customer service when consumers have a complaint.

I was under the impression he was talking about Amway!

However, the examples he provides are from other businesses.

He became enraged with his lawn mower and vented his frustrations on his blog. When someone from John Deere headquarters comes to his blog to read it, they are looking for signs of a problem or if the blog could be dangerous to any possible customers. The blog is then closed. He never received a response from John Deere, which indicates that the company determined that someone posting about being dissatisfied with their lawnmower was not a threat.

That is exactly how things work in the Amway corporate headquarters! Except that I'm willing to wager that there are a lot more folks out there who are upset with Amway than there are with John Deere!

First and foremost, you have to wonder why Amway employees are wasting their time perusing the Internet during business hours rather than really getting work done. What about the Amway employee who uses his or her Blackberry in the evening to read this blog post? You'd expect that company-issued phones would be restricted to company-related business and not be utilised for the employees' personal leisure pursuits.

But, truly, to whom am I going to voice my dissatisfaction? I'm not a member of the fucking Amway police force. I've already discovered that Amway's corporate headquarters doesn't give a damn when independent business owners (IBOs) voice their dissatisfaction with their upline; why would they give a damn if their employees are surfing the Internet during working hours instead of really (gasp) working? Apathy City is a place where people go to feel sorry for themselves. Winners in the customer service sector who don't give a damn about anything!

There are a large number of bloggers who help to spread the word about Amway in various ways. Some people are concerned with the reasons why the Amway business is a bad investment. Other bloggers keep their readers informed about current events in the press that have a negative impact on Amway's stock price and reputation. Some bloggers are concentrating on Amway's deceptions and reporting on them. Other bloggers have written on the Amway cult and the practise of brainwashing. Others spread the word about the tool fraud to the rest of the world. The majority of bloggers violate all boundaries, and anything related to Amway is fair game.

Because I enjoy cursing out my former upline and telling others about the brainwashing that took place on my Ambot, I decided to start a blog. By doing so, I hope to warn anyone who might be considering joining Ambot. The Amway business opportunity is occasionally discussed, but I am most amused by yelling out the upline assholes and divulging what went on at Amway meetings and gatherings, as well as cursing out the stray ambot that shows up here spewing off their bullshit Amspeak.

Thousands of former Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) blog about their Amway experiences, and thousands more former IBOs leave comments about their similar experiences, resulting in an abundance of information about Amway on the Internet, including the cult, brainwashing, inferior products at premium prices, IBO abuse, shoddy customer service from head office, the amount of money Amway IBOs really earn each month, and the amount of money that IBOs lose each month. When it comes down down to it, nearly everything linked with Amway is a fabrication of the truth. However, the majority of those lies are created by independent business owners (IBOs), not necessarily by Amway's corporate headquarters, which refuses to accept responsibility for the IBOs' activities and instead chooses to turn the other cheek and pretend that nothing is occurring.

Bloggers are not considered a danger to Amway's financial line, according to the company. What a display of arrogance!

One bit of advise came from the author who was being interviewed, who said, "Buy less and be heard!"

That identical piece of advice may be directed towards any company that provides inadequate products or poor customer service, but it is particularly effective against Amway.

People that write about Amway receive thousands of visitors each month, indicating that our message is being received.

It's a reasonable bet that most of my readers don't buy anything from Amway, so we're also winning on the "buy less" front, but with a different twist: we're winning by not buying anything from Amway at all.

Buy less and make your voice heard!

Don't spend any money and you'll be heard much louder!

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