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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Holy Shit I've Been Amwayed!

 Here's a lighthearted tune about Dick Devos, Amway, and some of the scams and scandals that have engulfed the Amway cult in recent years. When it comes to music, this is one of those things that you have to listen to twice since you're reading about the con artists and missing the lyrics the first time you listen to it. Pay attention to the words a second time! It's actually rather amusing. And the scandals that some of these IBOs - I believe the majority of them were Diamonds - have gotten embroiled in. If we needed any more evidence that the only individuals that succeed in Amway are the IBOs who are already in the mindset of being swindlers and scamming others, here it is:

Whatever the case, we're headed to the Baja for a few drinks in our never-ending search for the best margarita. There is a banana that keeps the blog running and uploads new posts, as well as a banana who moderates comments, so things will continue to run pretty much as they have been for the past few months. I will not be responding to comments while I am away because it would be foolish of me to bring expensive technology on such a short trip. When I return, I'll go through the recent posts and react to any comments that have been left on them. Or maybe not if I've had too much Tequila.

And please don't become Amwayed while I'm away!

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