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Saturday, September 4, 2021

How Do You Know When You’re Being Prospected By The Amway Cult

 Having doubts about whether or not you are being prospected by an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) who wishes to recruit you into the Amway cult? Because of Amway's tarnished reputation as a lousy business opportunity (with a 95% failure rate), a cult, and a bad business opportunity, Ambots are instructed not to mention the "A" word when speaking with prospects. Who would want anything to do with this scam after hearing such excellent recommendations?

Because prospects had not been brought to meetings that we attended, the IBOs were frequently reprimanded by our sack of crap Platinum during those sessions. When someone mentions Amway, the vast majority of people are unable to locate anyone to attend a meeting. The sack of crap offered advice to IBOs on how to deceive people into attending a meeting without them realising it was an Amway gathering, according to the sack of shit. Yeah, that's a very honourable and sincere thing to do. How wonderful and honest a corporation we are associating ourselves with when we are forced to resort to dishonest practises taught to us by the dishonest morons who work in our Amway upline. Here are a few of the "liners" that IBOs are instructed to use when calling or approaching prospects in order to persuade them to attend a meeting. And, certainly, the term "line" or "lines" is used by upline in its entirety. Additionally, all of the excellent little ambots present recorded the lines so they could practise them after they were finished taking notes.

1. “I was wondering if you could offer me your thoughts on a business opportunity that I'm considering. I genuinely value your opinion and could use your input.” I really value and could use your input.”

2. “We do sell Amway items, but they account for only around 20% of our total sales. Everything else is sourced from nearly 2,000 additional organisations, the majority of which are Fortune 500 corporations.”

3. “Would you be interested in being your own boss?”

4. “No, it's not Amway," says the narrator. Its Dream Builders are based all throughout the world.”

« Have you ever considered starting your own business? » says the fifth question.

6. “Don't you want to be able to do whatever you want without being tied to a desk?”

7. "Are you fed up with doing a menial job and making your employer rich?"

8. "Do you ever consider other means of earning money?" says the interviewer.

I'm in the midst of expanding my business in the area, and I'm searching for a few of intelligent guys that are interested in being financially independent within the next two to five years.

I work with a team of multi-millionaires to create business relationships with over a thousand companies on the internet.” We are looking for ambitious individuals who are interested in establishing a secondary source of residual income through participation in an established mentorship programme.

11. “Do you know someone who might be interested in earning a couple of thousand dollars more per month working part time only 10 to 15 hours a week?” says the interviewer.

12. Do you really don't want your wife to come home from work and be there for you and your children?

13. “I know an extremely clever businessman who is coming up with some really innovative concepts. While I cannot guarantee anything, how would you like to meet up with him for a cup of coffee?”

14. “We collaborate with Benny the Bastard, who is the owner of Benny the Bastard Enterprises, which is based in Miami. He has his own consumer distribution company, which he founded. "Perhaps you've heard of him before?"

hey, you seem like a clever man, we should keep in touch, what's the best way to reach you after hours?” 15.

Keeping an open mind when it comes to business opportunities is question number sixteen.

17: "A group of my buddies and I is getting together to talk about a business potential. There are a lot of bright men that are moving and shaking. I felt you would be able to benefit.”

a young, successful sharp guy is coming into town to speak with a few select smart guys about a business opportunity that has been extended to them only by invitation “I had you in mind, and I can get you into this secret gathering,” I said.

« Hey dude, what are you up to tomorrow night, say at 8:30 pm? » 19. Nothing? That is fantastic; I will stop by.”

These are the kinds of sentences that make the big Amway dream come true: luring more people into the fraud.

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