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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Look Inside An Amway Meeting

 An ambot from Amway who wrote a nasty reaction to one of my blog entries, which is a fine post in and of itself about what one may expect when getting engaged with Amway, receives a response from a reader who is critical of the company:

I was under the impression that WWDB was a supposedly Christian-based organisation. I don't believe anything you mentioned in your comment was something God would be pleased with. In any case, I really missed that Sunday school lesson about insulting others, condemning others, and threatening bodily harm to others. Despite the fact that I am not especially religious, I believe in good people assisting others, and this was not something I observed in the WWDB (Amway).

My husband and I were compelled to attend one of the gatherings last weekend due to peer pressure. I have never witnessed such negativity before; these "mentors" knocked individuals down and forced them to continue even if it meant becoming bankrupt in the process for a larger end result that will never materialise. Their instructions include telling you to cease talking to acquaintances and even family members who do not comprehend the "plan." This "leadership training" session lasted three days, and my husband and I were exhausted by the end of the second day and were out of there as soon as we could. I couldn't understand why no one else could see that it was the same thing over and over again... and that it was not telling you anything of significance. They were simply gushing over their automobiles and residences. During the entire show, I didn't hear one diamond mention donating, volunteering, or travelling to Africa to feed people or build buildings. For their own personal advantage, they travelled to Africa on a WWDB (first class) flight for a vacation. The fact that they are promoting themselves as a Christian people-helping organisation when all they advocate is greed and materialism baffled me completely.

I also couldn't understand how everyone there could just blindly trust that these wealthy jewels could get to where they were going by following the "plan." According to the proposal, diamonds generate approximately $150,000 per year, not the millions that they were claiming previously. They are completely unaware that they are making money off of these CDs, books, and functions... despite the fact that everyone said that no one was paying them to be there, they only wanted you to become wealthy. What made them think they could trust this? There's something wrong with this idea; why would a legitimate business want to lock you in a room for 16 hours and then expects you to come to night owls? And then keep doing it for three days? You should do it because you are weak or unmotivated, not because it is easier to brainwash you when you are exhausted. When I looked at the Platinums in their reserved spots, they appeared to be exhausted, with their faces void of expression. With so many platinums and just about 12 diamonds, this doesn't seem to make any sense; if it only takes 3-5 years, why haven't they all transformed into diamonds by now? Because they are only interested in people who can motivate you without providing any specifics, they are only interested in people who can manipulate and dodge inquiries. They don't need a slew of diamonds; all they need is a few outstanding speakers to pull you in and persuade you to make a commitment. These Diamonds are well aware that you will fail, so they set you up for failure from the beginning, telling you that if you quit you are a loser, and then manipulating you into staying even though you cannot afford to.

They don't give a damn about you!

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