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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Too Many Amway Meetings!

 If attending one Amway meeting on a given night were awful enough, the nightmare of horrors is that there are generally numerous Amway meetings scheduled for the evening, and some ambots have the misfortune of having to attend them all at the same time. It is possible to have a "pre-meeting" with the Platinum or even the Emerald, but only if you have made an appointment and if the fucker believes that your presence is worthy of his time and attention. Due to the fact that ambots all have J.O.B.s, no matter how hard they try to convince you that they are "business owners" and "own their own business," these appointments would be scheduled in the early evening after the Platinum and the ambots have finished their day's work, so let's say this appointment would take place between 5pm and 7pm and last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes or longer, depending on the circumstances. This is frequently held at a fast food restaurant or a coffee shop, and the meddling bastard demands to see a budget, a contact list, or to ride everyone's backsides for not bringing prospects to meetings and for not having enough customers to fill the restaurant or coffee shop. If we were "fortunate" enough to be given the first appointment, we were supposed to purchase a coffee and snack for the Platinum. Even if we weren't the first to arrive, the Platinum would occasionally turn to Ambot and request that he bring him a burger. There was no money exchanged, and Ambot, of course, sprung into action because the cult leader had massaged his ego by referring to him as a server. That's correct in more ways than one! You fucking lowly IBO, please bring me a burger and a coke!

The Amway board of directors meeting was either held at the home of a cult leader or at the home of someone else. They began at 8 p.m. local time.

At 8 p.m., there are better things I could be doing, such as watching some good television shows that are on at that time. Ambot used to impersonate the jerks in his Amway upline and scream at me, saying, "How is watching TV making me any money?" Ambot was a jerk. At the very least, we weren't wasting our money by staying at home and watching television! Time and money squandered at Amway meetings are not the same thing!

The conceited pile of shite. Platinum is a huge fan of the sound of his voice. It was his custom to spend the first hour of every meeting reciting the same old bullshit stories, typically about how wonderful of an immoral cult leader he is or about something that had happened recently. Alternatively, doom and gloom scenarios including all of these firms closing their doors. Following the Jim Jones manual for holding cult meetings, the most of the time, and with a nice dose of religion thrown in, is nothing but ranting and raving.

It may take him an hour or more to finally own his mistake and use the dreaded A word. When he was asked to present the Amway business plan, he would use a whiteboard and flash cards. Consume, consume, and duplicate. Find like-minded individuals and train them to do the same. If you can find enough individuals to work for you, you can earn $300,000 per year.

The board meeting lasts three hours because he keeps getting sidetracked and going out on various rants about various things that are happening in the news that an ambot mind regards as unfavourable. The sack of excrement gets a kick out of spreading negativity and scaring his ambots into compliance.

I was eager to return home before I even got to the airport. As soon as it gets dark, I just want to get the heck out of here. Please return home. Go to a bar and have a good time. Take a trip to McDonald's. I'd rather be anywhere but here, listening to this piece of garbage!

The cult leader then finally takes a well-deserved rest. Yay! We are free to return home. Then there's the terror! It ain't over yet, people! Because no one can deceive a prospect sucker into going, and because everyone in the room wants to be hailed as a "serious business builder," anyone who isn't a "serious business builder" or who brought guests can take them home, which very about ensures that everyone remains. Everyone else, including us sad bastards, is stuck for round 2, or possibly round 3 if you were unfortunate enough to be a part of the pre-meeting nonsense. Ambot will occasionally be able to snag a ride home with someone else and will urge me to go home. 'Yee hoo!' I said. I'm not going to remain around in case Ambot or the cult leader decides to reverse their collective brainwashing.

My attendance at far too many late-night classes was a mistake. These meetings will go for another hour or two after that. It is very common for Amway cult gatherings to go on long beyond midnight on Saturday and Sunday. When cult members are exhausted, it is much simpler to brainwash them into submission. Now is the time when the conceited sack of shit criticises the way others dress, the car they drive, their hairstyle, the people with whom they associate, and so on. Bitch bitch bitch. Bitch bitch bitch. Most of the time, he rails at the group for not sponsoring anyone or bringing prospective members to meetings. His downline movers and shakers will be highlighted, and he'll sing their praises for the duration of the meeting, gushing about how they're the ones who are going Platinum and Diamond. That's not the case! Including him, who is a fucking jerk!

There will be no instruction. There is no business advice. There are a lot of rants. That encapsulates what individuals are really doing late at night at Amway meetings, according to the participants.

You're being indoctrinated!

The Dangers of Attending Excessive Numbers of Amway Meetings: An Intensive Look at Their Drawbacks

Amway is a direct selling firm that is well-known for the variety of items it offers, and it has become a well-liked option for people who are interested in gaining financial independence and taking advantage of business chances. Amway encourages its representatives to participate in meetings and other gatherings, with the goal of promoting teamwork and fostering business expansion. The company places a strong emphasis on forming teams and fostering networking opportunities. In spite of this, a worrying pattern has developed over the past few years, and that is an abnormally high number of Amway meetings. This article explores into the potential drawbacks of attending an excessive number of Amway meetings and the influence those meetings have on individuals as well as their overall level of professional achievement.

Time Constraints and Opportunity Costs: One of the biggest difficulties with attending an excessive number of Amway meetings is the significant amount of time commitment that is required for attendance at these events. There is a possibility that representatives will have to attend a large number of meetings each week, leaving them with little time for their personal responsibilities, their families, and other significant areas of their lives. Spending an inordinate amount of time on meetings has a large opportunity cost, as it may lead to neglecting personal relationships, hobbies, or even professional advancement outside of Amway. This might be a significant cost.

Reduced Concentration on the Activities at the Heart of a Successful Business While it is undeniable that meetings are necessary for both coordination and learning, attending an excessive number of them can distract from the activities at the heart of a successful business. Amway representatives have a responsibility to devote time and attention to activities such as product promotion, sales, the acquisition of new customers, and the development of their network. When a disproportionate amount of time is spent in meetings, the overall effectiveness and productivity of these necessary operations may decline, which may impede the growth of the organization.

Fatigue and Burnout The habitual attendance at multiple meetings on a regular basis can lead to both physical and mental tiredness, which can ultimately result in burnout. The constant participation in gatherings such as meetings, seminars, and conferences can be overbearing, leaving Amway representatives feeling exhausted and without the enthusiasm required to maintain their Amway business. This exhaustion can have a negative affect on their overall performance, which may result in a drop in sales as well as a lack of excitement for the Amway opportunity.

Loss of Individual liberty Although Amway places a strong emphasis on teamwork and collaboration, attending an excessive number of meetings can occasionally lead to an erosion of individual liberty. It's possible that representatives will feel compelled to conform to the collective viewpoints or strategies that are discussed at meetings, which may stifle the representatives' capacity to make individual judgments and inhibit their creative potential. Because of this loss of autonomy, the representative's capacity to react to specific market conditions and take advantage of particular skills and an entrepreneurial spirit may be restricted.

Financial Consequences Attending an excessive number of Amway meetings can have a negative impact on a representative's finances. The expenditures of frequent travel, lodging, and other incidental expenses can quickly add up, which can have an influence on personal finances. In addition, if representatives do not make efficient use of their time during meetings to improve their knowledge and abilities, the return on investment in terms of greater business growth and increased income may not be sufficient to justify the costs that have been paid.

Even though Amway meetings play an important part in promoting teamwork, learning, and collaboration among representatives, it is critical to find a balance in your schedule. An excessive number of meetings can result in time restrictions, a reduced emphasis on essential company tasks, exhaustion, a loss of individual autonomy, and a pressure on financial resources. It is essential for Amway representatives to assess the frequency and objectives of meetings, making certain that the time spent at these gatherings is utilized in a way that is both fruitful and significant. Within the framework of the Amway business model, achieving a sustainable level of success as well as a sense of personal fulfillment will eventually come from making an effort to strike a good balance between attending meetings and participating in other activities that create businesses.

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