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Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Gloves Come Off When Dealing With Amway Scammers

 At his place of employment, one of our readers is being hounded by his supervisor to join the Amway scam:

I just wanted to drop by and express my admiration for your blog. Reading it from beginning to end, I appreciate your forthright opinion as well as the horrific stories provided by other Amway victims. Thank you for sharing your storey, I appreciate it.

Of all people, it was my employer who brought me here. He has no idea that he is the one who got me here. He has no idea that I am aware that he is a participant in the Amway pyramid scam. He believes I'm an easy mark, a new recruit who is susceptible to brainwashing.

Subtly grooming me to become a part of his fraud, or "business opportunity," as he refers to it, has been taking place.

This man is devilishly cunning, and if it hadn't been for my negative experience with Primerica (another pyramid scheme), he would well have gotten me.

XS energy drink is constantly in plain view, and there's always a bottle of his Perfect drinking water nearby. This is a subtle form of product placement. In response to my scepticism about his miracle water, he did the Tip/Balance/Twist tests, which are shown below. The young man boasts that he will be a millionaire within a decade. Mysterious gatherings that necessitated the wearing of a suit and tie. It discusses how I could save money on household products if I purchased them directly from the manufacturer.

This all culminated in a conversation one evening after work, during which he discussed an impending business conference he would be attending with his partners. I inquired about additional information, but he responded that it was top-secret and that he would have to consult with his partners first.

The following day, he informed me that he had discussed my candidacy with his partners, who agreed that I would be an excellent candidate. Is it possible for me to attend their next meeting, and do I have a suit?

Because of my previous experience with Primerica, I was interested in learning more about the company so that I could conduct some preliminary research and make more informed selections. I inquired as to the nature of his business and whether he had any literature pertaining to it.

The Puryear and Duncan families provided testimonies, and I was granted a link to WWDB as a result of their reaction.

I realised right then and there that something was seriously, seriously wrong. A lot of the testimonial was just feel-good ass kissing, with these individuals rubbing their affluence in my face throughout the whole thing. I don't care how large your yacht is; I'm interested in the facts and data about your company. None of the testimonials had any specific business information that could be verified.

I became dissatisfied with this concealment and went on a search for WWDB, the Puryears, and the Duncans. This lead me to Amway and the innumerable horror stories of people whose lives have been damaged as a result of their involvement with the company.

After a lot of effort, I was able to track down the information I was looking for. And, as I suspected, the whole thing was a ruse. These "Diamonds" at the top of the food chain are acting in a play. They barely make six figures, with the majority of their income coming from their equipment and talks (NOT the Amway business model!). They put themselves in financial danger in order to deceive their cult into believing they are wealthy!

And if you're not in that fraction of a percentile at the top, you're actually losing money. Then you're pushed into spending money on things you don't need, alienating friends and family members, and taking on debt all while being assured that success is just around the corner!!

No, thank you very much. I'm going to keep my job. Ultimately, I know that I earned my paycheck and that I did not have to sell my soul in order to obtain it.

As a result, thank you so much for this blog! Your efforts, as well as the quantity of information available on this site, saved me a great deal of agony and heartache. I'm so relieved that I was able to avoid going down the scAmway route.

When I speak with my boss about his "business possibility," I will politely inform him that I am not interested in the chance. If he continues, the gloves will be taken off of him.

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