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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Amway The Scamster Company

 Keep in mind how Amway ambots deliberately position or use Amway products in the hopes that others would inquire about them and possibly purchase them from them.

Ambot is drinking Perfect Water and gushing about how this is the nicest water he's ever tasted and how he gets it from his own firm, when Prospect walks by and notices him.

Prospect: Hey, how much does that Perfect Water set you back a gallon?

Ambot: a bottle costs $2.

Prospect: All right, I'll go ahead and get one and try it out.

Ambot: Oh, we don't sell them individually; you have to buy them in bulk. I'd like $50, please.

Prospect: Are you playing a joke on me? Do you really want to pay $50 for a case of water? Go ahead and screw yourself.

The fact that nothing has changed at Amway since the 1990s is thanks to John Doe.

My boss introduced me to a scammer company in the early 1990s, and the rest is history.

The Glister spray was constantly sprayed into his mouth in front of all of the other staff. Someone will eventually inquire, "Hey, what are you up to there?" "I purchased it from my own corporation," he explains.

We had no idea that was the first of many lies that would be thrown at us. This time he says something like "hey, if you want to be financially free, I'm hosting a meeting over at my house." The second fabrication. We were taught not to refer to the company as "Amway," but rather as "the umbrella corporation," and that if we were questioned if we sold any Amway items, we should answer that we did. The third deception. I went to a couple meetings, a lecture to meet the Diamonds, and a few other money-sucking events that were unnecessary.

Heck, I even did "dream building," which is a process in which your upline drives you around to look at luxurious homes and expensive automobiles.

There were two things that helped me break free from amway's mesmerising influence. 1. The speakers at the seminars and conventions. There they sat, bragging about all the items they bought, where they went hunting, and all sorts of other unimportant details about themselves. After he finished congratulating himself, he threw up a few circles and scrawled the word Amway in large letters on the ground, and he was finished talking. I was enraged at the time. 2. I was unable to afford their items any longer. At the time, they strongly recommended that you spend $150 each month on Amway items. The only problem was that $150 didn't buy us too much, so we had to travel to Wal Mart to obtain the remainder of the home supplies we required.

We soon stopped purchasing Amway items entirely and began repaying all of the debt we had incurred as a result of our relationship with Amway. Whether concentrated or not, their products are simply too expensive for what they provide.

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