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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Who Wants To Listen To A Screeching Amway Ambot?

 I'm sure there are many wives, family members, and friends of ambots out there that despise having to listen to the awful Amway tapes or CDs that were purchased on a weekly basis. They tell you to put your money into your Amway business, but what they really mean is to put your money into our tool fraud, which will make us Amway cult leaders even richer.

These tapes and CDs, according to your Amway upline, were essential to growing your business! The tapes must be purchased if you are serious about growing your business. That was the Amway cult leader's broken record recording, played over and over again.

Each and every one of those CDs failed to provide any useful business advice. The most of them are what could be loosely described as motivational, or more accurately, "look how I overcome life's hurdles to become successful at Amway." Each of these bastards tells a slightly different version of the same storey. The wife is employed by McDonald's. The husband is employed as a shit shoveler on a pig farm. Their low earnings barely pay their basic living expenditures on a regular basis. The Amway business concept was then demonstrated to them by a personal friend. The Amway functions were out of reach because they couldn't scrounge together the necessary funds. And how come every one of them had to borrow $20 from a cousin in order to fill up the gas tank in their car in order to drive to a party? And now, have a look at them: They toiled away, abusing their downline, and today they live in a home with a fleet of luxurious automobiles and vacation on the beaches of the world.

It's horrible enough to be forced to listen to this trash. But here's the thing: Ambot turned up the volume on the stereo. In the end, it resembled one of those fiery Southern revival meetings under a huge tent that I've seen in movies, when the preacher screams at his audience from the top of his voice, pleading with them to repent and believe in Christ as their Savior.

With the sound turned up to 11 or 12, you can listen to any of those Amway tapes or CDs and have the same results: ARE YOU CORE? WHAT'S the point????? ARE YOU TAKING DOUBLE X ON A DAILY BASIS? What will happen to you if you don't take NUTRILITE VITAMINS? DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN? YOUR BODY WILL GO OUT OF OPERATION AND DIE!!!!

Oh my God, I'm speechless. Those cassette tapes were a pain in the neck! All of those fucking Amway jerks were yelling at the top of their voices to get their attention. What was more worse was that sometimes we'd be travelling somewhere with friends or relatives when Ambot would turn up the music on the audio. This is quite rude! With some Amway idiot on a CD screaming: DON'T DRESS LIKE A SLUT FOR BUSINESS MEETINGS!!!!!!!!! how are we meant to have a dialogue with our guests?

It's awful enough listening to that garbage at normal volume, but cranking it up to the maximum volume the car stereo can handle? Ohhhh. Shudders. It was a terrifying experience.

Then there are the stacks of CDs that have never been opened or listened to in their entirety. Everyone assured us that our sponsor and/or upline would return them and issue a refund to us. That, however, was a fabrication. When Ambot returned to the station, he requested that his sponsor Captain Fuck Up return the CDs that had not been opened and repay his money. Captain Fuck Up refused, claiming that he was broke and lacked the financial means to reimburse him. He's broke, of course, because he's working for Amway! Ambot worked his way up the chain until he found someone who would sell him the items for ten cents apiece. Yeah even at ten cents a piece, that's a lot of money for that shit, but Ambot bought them for $2 to $5 a piece, with the majority of them being on the higher end of the scale ($5; there weren't many that were cheaper than that, but there were some) and the money was paid to Captain Fuck Up, who wasn't always able to deliver the CDs he'd purchased due to the fact that he was a disorganised asshole

I still come across the occasional Amway CD that has become wedged between books or real CDs of singers we enjoy, or that has been jammed towards the back of a cupboard, and when I pull anything out, this piece of garbage Amway CD falls out and instantly makes a one-way journey to the trash can.

Yes, we are just another couple of suckers who were taken advantage of in more ways than one while working in the Amway business.

Yes, it is time to send another FUCK YOU to Amway in a large, bold letter.

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