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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Nothing Ever Changes In Scamway

 Here's a letter from a reader who claims that not much has changed at Amway over the past two decades. Except that the tapes that ambots must purchase to participate in the tool scam are now CDs. The narrative is similar to that of many other folks who have been duped by the Amway fraud. A couple seeking a better life, greater money, and the ability for the wife to be a stay-at-home mother is described. Dream Night is the equivalent of a nightmare. At an Amway event, 40 people were jammed into a single hotel room. There has been no sleep. Bombing is something I really enjoy doing. Words like quitter and loser have been imprinted in their minds by the jerks who work in their Amway upline. They remain in the Amway cult because of their fear of being shunned. Trying to figure out Amway is a business opportunity that will be lost. Amway products are being stockpiled. Savings are no longer available. All of my credit cards were maxed out. There is constant fighting. As a result of the Amway deception, I have been financially disadvantaged for some years now. I'm not sure how many times this storey has been told. Become associated with Amway and you will be sent into hell.

It occurs to me every now and then to search up the most recent information on the Scamway universe. I finally found my way to your blog this time, and I'm pleased I did.

Mt Scamway is a soap slickened mountain that my wife and I were enticed up in the early 1990s, just after we were married for the first time. We were a couple of wide-eyed 23-year-olds who simply wanted to help ourselves financially by earning a few hundred dollars extra per month and purchasing things that we already used from other sources. Does this sound familiar?

Our sponsor was a friend from high school who I had known for a long time. Everything appeared to be going swimmingly until we went to our first function, which I believe was a Dream Night. Basically, it was the beginning of my fucking nightmare. We were newlyweds, and as a result, didn't have a lot of financial resources. We did, however, have excellent credit. As a result, we paid for this primarily using credit cards and a small amount of cash, all with the approval of our upline. Even with a group of forty people crowded into a hotel room in Richmond, it was fairly pricey. And we didn't get any sleep for the entire weekend. Finally and perhaps most importantly, I felt really uncomfortable with a lot of what was being stated, but I tried to maintain a "open mind."

But I'm getting ahead of myself. After that, I began studying the data and computing the calculations, and I quickly understood that this was a losing proposition in the back of my mind. But I wanted to give it a fair shot because I'm not a quitter, and my bride, whom I adored and continue to adore, was completely on board with me. As a result, we went on. Since the birth of our first kid, we have been married for two years. His birth compelled both of us to take a hard look at how we were allocating our resources, and we were finally able to say, "Fuck it," when we realised what we had done.

The people were the source of her addiction. You know the ones: the ones who hug you all the time and tell you how much they love you? They're the ones who say things like "you're amazing," "you're a winner," and other such nonsense. I'm not a really sentimental person, and I wasn't particularly interested in her, but she was nurtured in a household where praise and encouragement were highly valued. It's just another tack for the coders to employ. In my case, it was a desire to achieve success for myself and my wife; I wanted her to be proud of me in the same way that those girls up on stage were proud of their industrious husbands, and that was my motivation. (Even if I've heard that a whole number of them were having a good time on the side and are no longer married)

I still have no idea how much money we lost as a result of the whole messed up situation. I'm well aware that the debt we incurred in pursuit of "The Dream" had a significant toll on our marriage and our financial well-being. By the time we were able to escape and deprogramme, we were very broke, our credit cards had been maxed out, our savings had been depleted, and we were constantly at each other's throats over everything, but the conflicts usually started around money, or rather, a lack of it. There was enough fucking LOC in our closet to float a battleship, which was a nice bonus. Rather than assisting us, the Ama-Scam caused us to be financially crippled for a period of five years.

Today, I would never fall for such a ruse, but when I was younger and more naive, I was easily duped. And I did make an attempt. I went out and made some new friends. Yes, "cold contacting" and "QI's" and the whole damned tamale is part of the job description. I went to meetings and CONventions, and I slept 3-4 hours a night on average. And never made enough money to cover the cost of petrol and fucking food, let alone hotel rooms and other expenses. Looking back, it was similar to escaping through a booby trap. We were free after probably a year of being free of Scamway influence, having no tapes in our car tape player (no, they weren't frickin CD's, they hadn't been developed yet), and telling every upline Ambot who called to apply pressure to have an arsenic and LOC cocktail, we finally got our freedom. We are rapidly reaching our Silver-anniversary of no longer being in Scamway-thank you, Lord. Continue to do excellent work, Anna Banana.

An analysis of pyramid schemes is presented under the heading "Nothing Ever Changes in Scamway."


The word "scamway," which is a portmanteau of the words "scam" and "Amway," is a phrase that is used to designate a specific kind of multi-level marketing (MLM) organization that has been accused of running as a pyramid scheme on multiple occasions. Although the term "Scamway" is a pun, it does a good job of highlighting the widespread grievances and criticisms that are connected with multi-level marketing companies in general. This article explores the reasons why "Nothing Ever Changes in Scamway," offering insight on the enduring nature of pyramid schemes as well as the difficulties that are experienced by individuals who are involved in them.

Understanding Pyramid Schemes:

Before digging into the particulars of Scamway, it is necessary to have a fundamental comprehension of the notion of pyramid schemes. A business strategy known as a pyramid scheme is one in which the primary focus is on the recruitment of new members rather than the actual sale of goods or services. Participants will receive enticing financial prizes if they are successful in persuading others to join the scheme. On the other hand, the vast bulk of revenues come not from the actual sale of things but rather from the costs associated with recruitment. This concept, which is fundamentally faulty from the start, will eventually fail, leaving the great majority of participants in the dark.

The Scamway Name in History:

Due to the fact that Scamway is quite similar to a pyramid scam, it has received a lot of attention. Even though Amway is a well-known multi-level marketing organization that operates within the law, the company has been subject to persistent criticism over the years. The business strategy of Amway, according to its detractors, places an excessive emphasis on recruitment, which makes it susceptible to the hallmarks of pyramid schemes. The term "Scamway" is intended to be humorous and conveys the idea that these multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses do not undergo any significant changes.

Comparative Analysis of Scamway and Other Multi-Level Marketing Companies

Recruitment is the primary focus of multi-level marketing companies such as Scamway, as this is how new members are acquired. Participants are frequently rewarded to establish a large downline, which results in the formation of an organizational structure resembling a pyramid in which only a select few participants at the top get the financial rewards.

Claims of Earnings That Are Greatly Exaggerated Scamway and other multi-level marketing companies frequently use the promise of big earnings to entice new members. On the other hand, these statements are frequently blown out of proportion, which presents an inaccurate picture of the prospective earnings.

Products Sold by Multi-Level Marketing Companies Often Have Exorbitant Prices Multi-level marketing companies, or MLMs, typically sell products that have extremely high prices in comparison to other, comparable goods on the market. The corporation is able to produce considerable profits, the majority of which come from its own distributors, as a result of the pricing structure that it uses.

MLM participants are frequently subjected to high-pressure techniques and emotional manipulation in order to keep them invested in the scheme. This is done in an effort to keep the participants' time and money invested in the MLM. There is a possibility that friends and family members will be recruited, which will put a pressure on personal relationships.

Legal Difficulties and Concerns Regarding Regulation:

In spite of the extensive criticism and legal problems that multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) like Scamway are up against, the business has found a way to function inside the confines of the law. When attempting to defend their validity, multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations frequently depend on convoluted compensation structures and murky definitions of what constitutes a pyramid scheme. This legal ambiguity makes it difficult for regulators to adequately address the issue, which leads to a loop in which pyramid schemes rebrand themselves and continue operating under new names.

The Life and Death of Scamway:

Rebranding is a strategy that multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations frequently use to disassociate themselves from unfavorable media and legal difficulties. They are able to sidestep the stigma associated with their former endeavors while simultaneously attracting new participants thanks to this strategy.

Despite numerous attempts at rebranding, the core characteristic of multi-level marketing companies is that they are driven by recruitment. In order to maintain the pyramidal structure, the emphasis is still placed on recruiting new members and expanding the existing network of distributors.

People who participate in one multi-level marketing opportunity generally find themselves lured into future opportunities of the same type. Despite earlier setbacks, the assurances of financial security and achievement continue to be attractive. Participation in pyramid schemes will continue to be encouraged as a result of this.

Putting an End to the Cycle

It can be difficult to liberate oneself from the shackles of Scamway and other multi-level marketing schemes. The following are some actions that people can take:

Get an education: It is essential that you are aware of the deceitful nature of multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes. Conduct research using credible sources, seek the opinion of financial professionals, and maintain a skepticism toward statements that are overblown.

Pay Attention to Legitimate Opportunities: Investigate Legitimate Business Opportunities and Investment Avenues that are founded on Sound Principles and Transparent Practices in Business.

In order to prevent individuals from being taken advantage of by pyramid schemes, it is important to show support for regulatory efforts and to advocate for more rules and oversight of multi-level marketing companies.

Share what you've learned from your experiences and teach others about the perils of pyramid schemes so that they might benefit from them. Give your support to groups and causes that are working to educate people about multi-level marketing companies and the misleading tactics they use.


The fact that pyramid schemes like Scamway continue to exist demonstrates the difficulties involved in finding an effective solution to this problem. Pyramid schemes are quite similar to multi-level marketing organizations, despite the fact that MLM companies operate lawfully under the cover of multi-level marketing. MLM companies have an intrinsic concentration on recruiting, and there is the potential for financial losses. In order to break the cycle of participation in these schemes, education, awareness, and supportive regulatory actions are required. Individuals can protect themselves and others from the cycle of Scamway and other multi-level marketing (MLM) endeavors by gaining an understanding of the characteristics of pyramid schemes and by supporting real business possibilities.

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