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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Amway Destroys Another Family

 Despite the fact that it is brief, the following statement from one of my readers is alarming on numerous levels.

Because I can't afford the anti-depressants I need to regulate my moods, and because we're a year behind on our property taxes, my wife is still insistent on putting money into Amyway. It's even come to the point where she makes harsh statements about how much easier it would be if she didn't have a family to burden her with.

Amway is plainly hurting the financial, physical, and emotional well-being of this individual and family. That is the essence of what it means to be an Amway representative.

As an example, consider the situation of someone who needs medication recommended by a doctor but cannot afford it because every spare dime must be spent appeasing the Great Amway God by purchasing shoddy, expensive Amway items and investing in the Amway tool fraud. You can be very certain that the assholes in this Amway upline have persuaded them that Amway Nutrilite vitamins and Perfect Water will heal every known sickness and that they should be using those goods instead of the prescriptions from their doctors. Yes, spread the word about snake oil and make people sick.

Oh no, I'm delinquent on my property taxes. This is just another Amway ruse in which the cult leaders urge their ambots to forego paying their mortgage, rent, and other payments in order to afford to attend Amway functions and purchase Amway products. All of this is part of a larger strategy to generate financial hardship for their members. Missing a payment on any bill is never a good thing, but failing to pay your property taxes for an extended period of time will result in the city seizing your home and selling it at auction. Every city is unique in its own way. Taxes might range from a few hundred dollars per year to several thousand dollars per year. They'll need to make agreements with the city, their bank, or a family member who is willing to lend them the money they need. Anything. Don't let Amway take their home away from them.

Then there's the strangest thing: it appears that the wife is the one who is all gung-ho about Amway. It could have been any of them at first, but the husband eventually realised that Amway is a scam and that it was costing him too much money. Usually, it is the husband who is enthusiastic about the project. We are not trying to be sexist or anything, but the Amway meetings I attended were jam-packed with guys. Some of them were accompanied by wives and girlfriends, but the vast majority of ambots are men since Amway is a good old boy's club that promotes male chauvinist pig beliefs. Sorry, ladies.

The fact that her wife is making statements about the family is weighing on her. Wow, where did she get that information? Being brainwashed by the bastards in her Amway upline who are preaching the same old Amspeak about how those who do not support your Amway business are unchristian negative dream stealers and that everyone who does not want to join the Amway cult should be removed from the company.

We don't understand why folks let Amway ruin their lives. Why do people have such a strong attachment to the fucking jerks in their Amway upline that they are willing to let those cretins wreck their wallets and relationships? Being brainwashed into joining a cult will completely ruin your life. Destroying people's life offers more satisfaction to those fucking jerks in Amway's upline than any other thing in the world. Unknown whose cult group this reader belongs to, but WWDB (World Wide Destructive Bastards) comes to mind as a possible candidate..

Amway appears to be on the verge of claiming yet another set of victims. In this situation, it appears that the only options are foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, and worsening of one's mental health.

I hope this family finds the tranquilly they deserve and is able to escape away from the horrendous Amway cult, as well as the opportunity to restore their life.

Yes, this is a good moment to send another big huge FUCK YOU out into the world to every Amway jerk who has ruined the lives of others in the past.

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