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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Come To The Dark Side - We Have Amway Products

 Have you ever noticed how enthusiastic ambots are about how fantastic Amway items are? They are of "excellent quality." They are reasonably priced - don't read into that overpriced, costly, etc. - in comparison to the good quality they provide. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. And the only way for you to get your hands on some of these Amway products is to walk over to the dark side and become an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). This is a closed group. Buyers' club that is kept secret.

And these cretins believe that the best approach to persuade individuals to become Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) is to offer them the opportunity to purchase Amway products? Perhaps the phrase "Quality products for quality people" is a load of bullshit?

We attended a big opening at the home of the jerk who ended up sponsoring us into Amway before deciding to join the organisation. This is someone who has been a long-time friend of ours. My husband is acquainted with his brother, having first met him many years ago, and has since met the filthy asshole brother who ended up sponsoring us into the Amway organisation. For the most part, our paths haven't met too often throughout the course of time. The majority of the time at his brother's house or a few other locations over the course of several years. The asshole was never successful in his attempt to sponsor his brother and wife into Scamway. So here we are at this luncheon event, and guess who's not there? My brother and his wife are here. They're wise enough not to get entangled in anything he's interested in because they know better. I attempted to drag my husband out of the building as quickly as possible, admonishing him not to buy any Amway nonsense.

When I finally got over to the wife's side, I wanted to know what she thought of this Amway business garbage and the costly products. She was standing in front of a table piled high with dingy Amway items. This woman then proceeds to spew out canned Amspeak nonsense about how they've changed their purchasing habits to only shop at the store they own, and that when their relatives want to buy things for them (she wasn't clear on what these relatives were tripping over each other to buy for these ambots), they encourage them to do so at the store as well. It appears to me that she is not overjoyed about this Amway stuff, but is attempting to portray herself as enthusiastic about their new venture.

When he returns to the Amway good old boy's club, the only other person who has shown up is his sponsor, who is either an eagle or a double eagle in training or a platinum in training or whatever the fuck he is called in the first place. It's just another lying Amway jackass in my book, according to my standards. There's no sign of his wife. I can see where you're coming from. Attending Amway events is a complete waste of time.

As a matter of fact, the wives of the sponsor and eagle were rarely present in Amway meetings, and yet there I was, busting my a** trying to make it to them. They act as though they believe they are the only ones who have more important things to do with their time than attend Amway meetings.

Since hearing that he was awarded the asshole eagle or platinum in training or whatever fucking Amway title he was awarded, he has separated from his wife and returned to Iowa or wherever he came from originally. Running home and crying to his mother because of his unsupportive, unchristian dreamstealing wife who was detrimental to his business, he was distraught. Most of his downline soon deserted him, as is typical with most ambots who quit within a year or two of starting their business. Lifers like him have to continually finding new people to deceive and sell the dream to, and then fuck them out of their money in order to make a living.

For the Amway items, you'll have to go to the dark side. Continue to be on the dark side and live a miserable life. Divorce, credit card debt, little savings, bankruptcy, and foreclosure are all possibilities in the Amway future.

Come on over to the dark side, where we carry Amway merchandise.

Keep yourself away from the shadows. When you don't have to deal with Amway bastards and their stuff, life is lot more enjoyable.

It's possible that the saying "Come to the dark side – we have cookies" is a common meme, but in the world of Amway, it could be better to say "Come to the dark side – we have products." Although it's possible that Amway isn't quite as nefarious as the phrase makes it sound, it's nevertheless true that Amway distributors frequently go to tremendous measures in order to advertise and sell their products to prospective clients.

Amway is a firm that engages in direct marketing of a broad variety of products, some of which include dietary supplements, cosmetics, and items for the maintenance of one's house. For those who are not familiar with Amway, we will explain what it is. Amway distributors, who are often referred to as Independent Business Owners (IBOs), generate revenue for their teams both via the sale of Amway products to end users and by the recruitment of other people to become IBOs under their leadership. IBOs have the potential to make more money depending on how many individuals they recruit and how many things they sell.

Nevertheless, the world of Amway can occasionally be intense and overwhelming, and some distributors may turn to unethical techniques in order to market their products. One such strategy is to appeal to potential consumers' sense of guilt while simultaneously manipulating them into purchasing Amway items.

For instance, Amway distributors may attempt to guilt-trip their friends and family members by making the suggestion that they are not supporting the distributor's objectives and goals if those individuals do not purchase Amway products. This can create an awkward dynamic in personal connections and put pressure on the potential consumer to make a purchase that they may not want or need. In addition, this might make the customer feel like they are being taken advantage of.

Amway distributors also employ the strategy of marketing their products as a panacea for a variety of health conditions in order to boost sales. It is possible for Amway distributors to make unfounded claims about the efficacy of Amway products, such as implying that these items can heal a wide variety of illnesses ranging from allergies to cancer. It is possible that as a result of this, consumers will skip tried-and-true medical procedures in favor of unproven Amway goods, which can be both risky and misleading.

In addition, Amway distributors may put substantial levels of pressure on their recruits to make significant financial investments in Amway products and training materials, frequently encouraging their recruits to incur debt or utilize credit cards in order to make purchases. This may result in the recruit having a difficult time meeting their financial obligations, particularly if they are unable to sell the products or convince additional people to join their team.

In the end, the expression "Come to the dark side – we have Amway products" could be funny, but the reality of the Amway world can be a lot more serious. It is crucial for prospective consumers as well as recruits to carefully assess the potential dangers and rewards of becoming involved with the Amway business, and to make educated decisions based on their own personal values and objectives in life.

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