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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Bring Prospects Or Be Shunned

 At every Amway meeting, the Platinum cult leader would slap all of the IBOs in the face and tell them they were failures since no one was bringing in new prospects.

That is exactly what happens when you are a participant in a pyramid scam. There are very few people that are amenable to being duped, and finding them is difficult!

Ambot spent many hours each week attempting to persuade friends, family, and people he had never met before to attend a meeting. Someone would occasionally give in after a few hours of being harassed and agree to see the board plan, but they would never show up and would spend weeks or months avoiding calls from Ambot.

Years later, one of our formerly close friends is still adamant about not having anything to do with us because of our involvement with Amway. He did, in fact, come out and meet some ambots, whom he found repulsive. Come on in and join the fun! No, normal folks who are not members of the Amway cult can't bear those fucking Amway a**holes!

I decided to stop attending Amway meetings. In our Amway upline, I refused to have anything to do with the fucking jerks, and I refused to show up anywhere where the fucking asshole Platinum was spouting lies and garbage. Horrible, cruel cult leader that spreads negativity while draining the bank accounts of those beneath him in the Amway pyramid and damaging relationships with his followers. Yes, exactly the type of sack of poo that everyone wishes they had in their lives! In addition, they are exactly the type of bag of shit Amway cult leaders that so many people who are stuck in the Amway hellhole have to endure. It can't arrive soon enough for those Amway cretins to be thrown into the lake of fire!

The Amway cult had been hounding a friend for months, and our friend had been putting him off with one pretext after another, until Ambot finally gave up. No, I'm not kidding. Amway meetings are only attended by ambots, who are the only individuals who wish to attend. It goes without saying that anyone who does not want anything to do with the Amway cult or the brainwashed ambots will not be found in the vicinity of a Scamway gathering. It came as no surprise when our friend was unable to make it. Likewise, when Ambot contacted to find out where he was, he didn't pick up the phone or answer. The Amway witching hour was approaching at eight o'clock, and the guest Ambot had boasted about to everyone he knew about was nowhere to be found. Ambot urged me to attend him, so I caved and dragged my ass to that fucking scary Amway cult meeting, which was full of bullshit and nonsense.

After conducting study into the Amway cult and reading the accounts of other Amway victims, I came to this conclusion. All of them told us the identical narrative that we told them. The same lies were spread by their cult leaders as I had heard. In every regard, the Amway cult in which I found myself was identical to every other Amway cult in the world. The financial losses sustained by some former cult members were considerable, resulting in bankruptcy and the foreclosure of their residences. Some of the marriages had ended in divorce. It is better to be forewarned than to be unprepared. During this Amway cult meeting, I was able to catch the miserable lying son of a bitch cult leader in the act of telling a whole bunch of lies. The cult leaders, on the other hand, are captivating and able to convince their members to believe what they say, as anyone who has attended an Amway cult meeting will attest to.

A meeting room had been reserved at a nearby hotel, and the speaker would be Emerald, the upline's representative. Before anyone could turn up and be deceived, they were required to pay $10 to the cult's leader. We walked in and took a seat. We stood there and watched as the Platinum bucket of shit went around the room greeting people. He didn't say hello to us despite the fact that he went straight past us a number of times due to the fact that we had chosen aisle seats. You're ignoring us! As if it matters a shit that someone I don't care for won't speak to us. Ambot, for some reason, began to chuckle, and I inquired as to what he found so amusing.

“He won't talk to us because I didn't bring anyone with me to the meeting,” says the author. Yes, in the perspective of the Amway jerks in our upline, I was a complete and utter noob. He either didn't like my cut-off shorts and Bon Jovi t-shirt that I was wearing to a "business meeting" or he didn't care for them.

That was the cult leader's method of retaliating against his followers. Refusal to recognise their existence. Ostracization. Shunning.

I was pleased with the outcome. It is not often that we are so fortunate as to have the pretentious pile of shit refuse to speak with us.

So screw you, you cretin. When you refuse to communicate with me, it greatly hurts my sentiments. NOT!!!!!

The idea of recruiting new distributors in order to grow a team is one of the fundamental concepts of the business model known as multi-level marketing (MLM), which is used by firms such as Amway. Distributors are instructed to always be on the lookout for new prospects that they may bring into their multi-level marketing (MLM) business in order to achieve success in this business model. However, the pressure to recruit can occasionally lead to negative and manipulative tactics, such as the assumption that distributors who are unable to bring in new recruits would be rejected or outcast by their colleagues. This is just one example of how the push to recruit can lead to these kinds of tactics.

Meetings and activities that are given by MLM businesses and their distributors frequently serve to reinforce this pressure to bring in new prospects. The multi-level marketing opportunity will be promoted at these events, and distributors will be motivated to grow their teams as a result. At these events, distributors may be taught strategies for approaching people in public, contacting friends on social media, and even cold calling new recruits in order to build their businesses. The objective is to generate as many new potential customers as possible, regardless of whether or not those customers are truly interested in the services or the commercial venture being offered.

In spite of the fact that many multi-level marketing businesses (MLMs) insist that their business model is motivated only by a desire to assist others in achieving financial independence and success, the truth is typically far more cynical. Distributors are frequently incentivized to acquire the greatest number of individuals possible, regardless of the likelihood that the people they recruit would be successful in the business. This is due to the fact that the MLM pay structure rewards distributors not only for their own sales, but also for the sales made by the people they recruit into their organization.

Unfortuitously, the emphasis placed on recruiting can sometimes result in a toxic and manipulative working atmosphere. In such a setting, distributors are subjected to constant pressure from their uplines to bring in new prospects or suffer the consequences of failing to do so. If they are unable to bring in new recruits, this might result in them being ignored, excluded from activities and meetings, or informed that they are not working hard enough. Another possibility is that they will be threatened.

In the end, the pressure that distributors are under to bring in new potential customers can be detrimental not just to the distributors themselves, but also to the relationships that they have with their friends and family. Distributors are frequently encouraged by MLM businesses to target people in their personal lives, including their families and their closest friends and acquaintances, which can put a strain on those relationships and lead to friction. In addition, the ongoing pressure that distributors are under to bring in new customers can have a negative impact on their mental health and well-being, leading to feelings of stress, worry, and burnout.

In conclusion, even if one of the most important aspects of the business plan of a multi-level marketing company is to construct a group of prosperous distributors, the pressure to continuously recruit new members can create an atmosphere that is toxic and exploitative. Any multi-level marketing (MLM) organization that places an excessive amount of focus on recruitment and promises rapid and simple financial success should raise red flags with their distributors. Instead of merely trying to recruit as many people as possible, it is crucial to approach MLM chances with a critical eye, and to focus on creating connections with customers and prospects while providing value to them.

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