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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Shithouse Wall

 The Amway cult promised us that we would be running our Amway business on the Internet with our own online store while we were still a part of it. Thus, Amway is focused on being on the Internet presently, and as a result, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBO) are also on the Internet.

When their downline posts on the Internet about how the Internet is like graffiti on the bathroom wall, the Amway cult leaders freak out and threaten to expel them from the organisation.

I'm not sure where those Amway assholes are going to use the restroom, but the public restrooms I frequent have no graffiti on the walls or doors. According to this, I frequent venues of a better social class than Amway ambots, with a higher social class clients who do not scribble on the toilet walls.

As low class bastards, Amway Independent Business Owners are said to frequent slimy, sleezy venues where people spray paint graffiti on the toilet walls in order to match their personas.

Alternatively, if these Amway assholes are so worried about prior IBOs writing about their Amway experiences on the Internet, why don't they simply cancel their Internet service, so that they aren't tempted to look at the graffiti on the shithouse walls?

What really frightens these brainwashed Amway bastards is the fact that the Internet is a great instrument for spreading information. Anyone in the world who has access to the internet may read about what it is truly like to be a member of the Amway cult. Amway cult members are furious that others have spoken out about their own financial losses and relationships that have been damaged.

Afterwards, they retaliate in true Amspeak fashion. You're a complete loser. You're a quitter, to put it mildly. You didn't put out enough effort.

Amway ambots are so fucking arrogant that they truly believe that no one cares what they have to say. In addition, when they spout Amway propaganda, they believe they are being creative. A similar type of American slang has been in use for decades. And I guess they don't pay attention to their Amway cult leaders, who go about screaming out and telling others not to say anything nasty about them.

Do you want to know where the graffiti on the shithouse wall is located in reality? Simply attend any of the Amway meetings.

The Shithouse Wall: A Symbol of Expression, Controversy, and Social Commentary is the Title of This Book

People give expression to their thoughts, feelings, and opinions through graffiti, drawings, and writings on the walls of public locations, including restrooms. This type of wall is referred to as a "Shithouse Wall," and the word is commonly used in public spaces. The Shithouse Wall is a forum for social commentary, personal expression, and cultural reflection, despite the fact that it is commonly linked with obscene language and crude artwork. This association belies the Shithouse Wall's deeper significance. In this essay, we will examine the historical context of the Shithouse Wall phenomena, as well as the disputes surrounding it, and the various features of it.

Contextually speaking, the custom of using the walls of public restrooms as a canvas for one's own personal expression may be traced back to ancient times. Graffiti from the past has been found at archaeological sites, which provides evidence that humans have been using public places for a very long time in order to leave their mark and interact with one another. These writings, which can be found everywhere from Pompeii to the walls of medieval castles, offer insights into the mentalities and daily lives of earlier civilizations.

Expression of ideas on a Wide Range of Subjects The Shithouse Wall provides users with a forum in which they can voice their thoughts and ideas on a variety of subjects, including politics, social issues, humor, personal experiences, and romantic relationships. It is possible to view it as an alternative mode of public discourse, as it enables individuals to share their opinions in a non-identifying manner and participate in dialogues that transcend conventional social boundaries.

Movements of Subversion and Resistance to the Establishment The Shithouse Wall has a long history of being connected to various subversive and anti-establishment cultural movements. In times of political repression or societal upheaval, restroom walls have functioned as meeting points for dissenting voices, providing a forum for resistance, protest, and alternative narratives. In certain cases, these walls have even been used to write graffiti. They have evolved into places where members of underrepresented groups and individuals may make their views known and pose a challenge to the existing order.

disputes and Censorship: The Shithouse Wall has been the subject of disputes and debates due to the content of the website, which is frequently explicit and provocative. Graffiti on lavatory walls is frequently considered vandalism, which is why authorities and businesses work to remove or prevent it wherever possible. This conflict between the right to free speech and the maintenance of public order has sparked an ongoing conversation about the limits of artistic freedom, the function of public spaces, and the place of censorship in contemporary society.

From both a psychological and an anthropological point of view, writing on a "Shithouse Wall" can be seen as a type of catharsis. It enables people to vent their feelings, reveal their deepest, darkest secrets, or simply find comfort in the fact that their writing is anonymous. Even in the most private and unremarkable of settings, it represents the human need for connection and communication, which is a central theme in anthropology.

Intersectionality and Identity: The Shithouse Wall offers a novel space for investigating questions of intersectionality and identity by providing a platform on which to do so. Graffiti frequently represents the hardships and points of view of marginalized groups, such as racial minorities, LGBTQ+ communities, and persons who are coping with issues related to mental health. The walls of the restrooms are transformed into places of solidarity, empathy, and community understanding as a result of these expressions.

Technology and Digital Transformation: As a result of the proliferation of social media platforms and other kinds of digital technology, the Shithouse Wall has spread into virtual places. These days, outlets for comparable kinds of speech and dialogue can be found on the internet in the form of online forums, blogs, and social networking sites. While the digital sphere provides a larger reach and the opportunity for global debates, it also raises problems about the preservation of physical venues for spontaneous and uninhibited expressions of thought.

Some people believe that the Shithouse Wall has both artistic merit and cultural significance, despite the fact that it has been the subject of controversy and criticism. It is a reflection of the zeitgeist of a specific time and place, embodying the voices of humans in their most natural and unprocessed form. These utterances, which can range from hilarious to thought-provoking, have the potential to serve as significant cultural artifacts and documentation of the attitudes and values held by society.

In conclusion, despite the fact that it is unconventional and frequently contentious, The Shithouse Wall provides a one-of-a-kind venue for the expression of ideas, societal commentary, and personal relief. It exemplifies the human urge to communicate, to question established standards, and to express oneself in an honest manner. The intricacies of freedom of expression, cultural identity, and the importance of public spaces as venues for conversation can be better understood by gaining an understanding of the historical backdrop, conflicts, and various facets of the phenomena known as the Shithouse Wall.

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