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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Have An Average Life!

 Everyone affiliated with this blog, including me, occasionally receives a visit from an ambot who claims that we all lead ordinary lives.

What exactly is the problem with that?

Average life consists of having a home, a car, having savings, and occasionally taking good holidays. Not everyone is destined for greatness, celebrity, or financial success. Not everyone is a fan of it, either. Many people are content with their mundane, everyday existence.

Renting or, if you owned a home, being persuaded to sell it and use the equity to invest in your Amway business (ie filling a garage with useless Amway products no one wants), driving a junker car, having no savings, being in massive debt (most likely on credit cards), alienating friends and family by hounding them to join the Amway scam or trying to sell the Amway business are all part of the Amway Ambot life.

Amway jerks believe that individuals who lead typical lives are the ones who serve them meals at restaurants, clean their homes, and wash their automobiles. They are completely wrong. What the Amway jerks fail to realise is that not everyone who leads a normal life works in those three jobs, which are listed above. Not going to sit here and compile a list of all the vocations in the world that an Amway jerk would never come across in their lifetime, a list that would be thousands of pages long. Ambots have the mindset that they are superior than everyone else, including those who are not affiliated with Amway. However, unlike those Amway morons, most of the rest of the world does not have such a snobbish attitude about them. Despite the fact that we are average, we are not liars or scammers, nor do we go around damaging other people's lives. Average people, on the whole, are far better at being compassionate and caring individuals than Amway ambots will ever be, at least in terms of their human qualities. What is it about these Amway jerks that they feel the need to name everyone? That is, after all, why this blog exists: so that we can call out those jerks at Amway! This is something that those fuckers do not like: when the fingers are turned back at them!

What is the impression that an ambot has after attending an Amway meeting or event? They believe that everyone in Amway lives in a mansion, owns a fleet of sports cars, travels first class around the world, and has gazillions of cash coming in every month while sitting on a tropical beach somewhere sipping cocktails. What about all those films of a Diamond lifestyle that they played at every Amway meeting? Who can forget those? The message has been delivered. After 2 to 5 years of being CORE, you will be able to enjoy this lifestyle without effort.

People who belong to the Amway cult experience excellence in their lives. That is undoubtedly the message to everyone in Amway, and it is communicated at every Amway meetings. This is the belief that those who work for Amway are significantly better and vastly superior to persons who lead ordinary lives.

The remainder of the world will continue to work in their average job and live in an average-sized house, and they will continue to stay at home because they cannot afford to travel. Furthermore, when they reach the age of 65, they will either die or become bankrupt automatically. That is the other part of the message that is delivered during Amway events.

There are a lot of ambots out there who have been dreaming of the well above average Amway lifestyle they will be living one day, but it isn't going to materialise for them anytime soon. Instead, they are struggling with a lack of savings as a result of the fact that all extra money must be spent on Amway. They are dealing with credit card debt and, if they took out loans, they may also be dealing with other types of bank debt. They are most likely unable to afford a mortgage and the associated expenses of home ownership, so they choose to rent instead. They have most likely alienated themselves from their friends and family. Even though they are married, they may be going through a divorce and may be separated from their family. They could be on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Those possibilities are more plausible for an ambot than the fantasy of owning a mansion and living the life of a billionaire.

Would I prefer to live a normal life rather than one that is filled with emotional and financial distress? Yup. So, to all of you Amway assholes out there, I'm content with my normal life style. Perhaps you will discover the solution one day as well.

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