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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Serving Up At Amway Meetings

 When I attended Amway meetings, one of the things I was told was how simple the company was. The only thing you had to do was consume one Amway food bar and one Amway beverage per day, and then teach others to do the same thing.

Well, it's not quite that simple since no one wants to consume foul-tasting, sour-tasting things that are outrageously costly. Unless, of course, they are an ambot who has been brainwashed into believing that they genuinely taste nice and are beneficial to your health. Hell. Amway snack bars do not compare to the flavour of caramel covered cardboard!

When it comes to Amway, it's all about inspiring people to accomplish the same thing you are. Duplicating your upline is a term commonly used to describe this practise. In other words, how to con people out of their money. How to deceive and deflect responsibility. How to end a relationship in the most effective way. Here's how to waste your money. How to get yourself into debt. Those are things that most individuals do not wish to do. Ambots who have been brainwashed, without a doubt.

Does Amway provide refreshments after you've sat through an excruciatingly dull Amway cult meeting? Everyone is interested in finding out the solution to this burning question.

Having attended enough real business meetings over the years, I can tell you that, depending on how long the meeting lasts, say at least one hour, refreshments are usually offered. Coffee, tea, water, and juice are the most common types of beverages. Cookies, doughnuts, muffins, and sandwiches are examples of food products. Always enough for a person to consume an entire glass of their beverage as well as one of each of the food items on offer. And, most likely, seconds.

So, what kind of refreshments do you get at Amway meetings for your fictitious business after sitting through two or three hours of listening to some sack of shit cult leader preach? Pretend to be serving refreshments!

XS energy drinks, which taste like some terrible cat piss cough syrup combination, should be pulled out of the cupboard right now. You want a can of each, don't you? No way in hell! Those that attend Amway meetings are either cheapskate bastards or are too poor to afford to buy a can of soda for each brainwashed ambot who turns up to the gathering. Dixie glasses are brought out, and a half-inch of piss water is poured into each one of them. In this case, the idea may be to offer the food in such a small quantity that you won't notice the unpleasant flavour. Wrong. It's still in my mouth. Who came up with such a noxious concoction? Even more perplexing are the ambots who pretend to enjoy drinking cat urine water, despite the fact that they do not. Or, more likely, they are afraid to express their true feelings about the goods for fear of being screamed at for doing so.

What about the food? That would be an Amway food bar, to be precise. What the hell else would an ambot serve at an Amway cult gathering, one might wonder. Is that one bar for each person? No way in hell! One of the Amway snack bars has been sliced into tiny pieces. Consider a Snickers bar as an example. Snickers is approximately the same length as an Amway snack bar, however the major difference is that a Snickers is 10 million times better! Consider slicing the Snickers bar into 30 pieces so that everyone can get a taste of that single piece of chocolate bar. That is exactly what happens at Amway meetings. If they're feeling particularly kind, they'll slice up two different types of food bars so that everyone can sample a little piece of each variety. Again, the goal could be that the food is provided in such small quantities that no one can detect how sour they really are. Styrofoam with a flavouring agent.

They're costly ($20 or $30 a box, I believe there are 6 bars in a box), and brainwashed ambots are out there yelling at potential buyers, claiming that they're healthier than granola bars, which they aren't. You scumbags are liars! The cuisine at Amway's food bars is disgusting.

If you want something tasty, get yourself a chocolate-dipped peanut butter granola bar. In addition, the pricing is reasonable. At the grocery store, they cost less than $5 per bag. Depending on the brand you choose, you can purchase two boxes of granola bars from the shop and still have change left over from your $5 purchase.

The reward for sitting through a Scamway meeting and listening to an Amway cult leader spew forth lies and garbage while ranting about all things negative for a couple of hours has been delivered. A squirt of piss water in a paper cup, with a teeny-tiny slice of crap bar on the side. It doesn't get much better than that for an Amway ambot in this world!

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