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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Childish Behavior

 A large part of our frustration with our Amway upline stemmed from the fact that the majority of them were half our age and quite immature. The more serious issue was the typical "duplicate your upline" nonsense that was rammed down our throats by the company. Ambot would eventually degrade himself to the level of his upline's infantile actions.

We were attending a gathering for an Amway product line that was being held in a banquet room of a hotel one night when this happened. All of the guests were seated at circular tables, with around 8 to 10 individuals per table. Half of the folks at the table had to swivel their chairs around in order to be able to view what was going on on the stage from their seats. Every table has a bowl of sweets on it. This is when all of the turmoil began. Some of the lads believed it would be amusing to throw sweets towards another boy who was sitting in his chair with his back to them because his chair was facing the stage and the speakers.

The fact that Ambot, in the manner of his upline, began picking up pieces of candy and hurling them at the gentleman did not sit well with me. When I saw him acting like a child, I told him to stop it. He didn't do it. Neither did the other children at the table until the candy bowl was completely depleted of its contents.

We were also at a rally at another point in time. When it was all over, our Platinum sack of shit called a meeting in the lobby for all of his downline to come and listen in. Mostly, it was to encourage everyone to purchase more items and increase their PV because one of the couples was on the verge of becoming Platinum, and it was our responsibility to purchase more products and assist them in reaching their objective.

The Platinum is lecturing the group about how they should purchase more Amway shit, so Ambot decides it would be a good idea to unzip and undo the ties that are holding the boy's backpack in place in front of us. I believe he was attempting to remove the child's laptop with the expectation that it would be a big laugh. Once again, this was infantile behaviour, and I requested Ambot to put a stop to it.

I do remember him standing there in the middle of his immature conduct and telling the Platinum that we were going to accomplish 2500 in PV that month in order to assist that upline couple in qualifying for the Platinum level of compensation. We weren't even close to winning. Thank goodness his credit card had reached its maximum, or Ambot could have easily spent $10,000 on Amway schwag merely to wow his upline and become a millionaire.

However, I don't recall how soon after this occurred, but Ambot was summoned to a meeting in late November by the eagle that had supported the arrogant jerk who had sponsored Ambot in the first place. I was there with the arrogant jerk, and I'm quite sure the only reason I was there was because we were going to a restaurant and I was starving for dinner. I have a strong suspicion that the Platinum sack of shit must have instructed the eagle to label this a "business meeting." In a meeting themed "Jackass on Behavior," Ambot videotaped the proceedings and released it as a podcast.

Ambot's behaviour is being reprimanded by a jerk eagle who is half his age, and he is admonished for it. Even while I agreed with him that Ambot's behaviour had deteriorated to that of a ten-year-old boy since becoming an Amway "business owner," I felt it was not his place to make such a judgement call. That is a position that I hold. Second, said jackass was the ringleader at the candy throwing event, and he was the one who threw the first piece of candy, after which others at the table followed his example.

Not only did Ambot capture everything, but he also took notes about it! So there he is, carefully noting things like "Don't bug Harry" on a piece of paper.

Later on in the conversation, Jackass mentions how he would like me to spend more time with the arrogant prick's wife. Yes, I'll take care of it right now.

Take note of the fact that she did not show up for the "meeting." She's in for a treat.

The behavior of an individual that is judged to be immature or improper for their age or level of development is referred to as childish behavior. This might involve behaviors such as screaming and throwing tantrums, calling people derogatory names, making fun of others, spreading rumors, as well as participating in physical aggressiveness or bullying. Both children and adults are capable of displaying childish conduct, yet due to their younger age and lower level of development, the behavior of children is often regarded as being more acceptable than that of adults.

Children typically exhibit childish behavior as a normal part of their development. This can be ascribed to the fact that children lack the ability to control their emotions and develop social skills. On the other hand, if an adult acts in a childlike manner, this might be cause for concern and may be an indication of deeper emotional or psychological problems.

Adults may exhibit childlike behavior as a result of a number of different triggers, including stress, irritation, and insecurity, among others. It's also possible that unfulfilled needs from childhood, including not receiving enough attention or affection from caretakers, played a role in the development of this condition. In some instances, a mental health problem, such as borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, may be the underlying cause of an individual's childlike behavior.

Inappropriate behavior can have adverse effects not only on the individual but also on people in their immediate environment. In extreme circumstances, it may even result in legal repercussions, as well as damaged personal relationships and social isolation. A person's work and personal lives can suffer as a result, particularly if the behavior in question is seen as unprofessional or inappropriate.

Individuals can seek support from mental health specialists, such as therapists or counselors, to uncover underlying issues and create techniques for managing emotions and social relationships in order to manage childlike behaviors. This can be done to address childlike behaviors. Increasing one's emotional intelligence as well as one's social skills can be of assistance in lowering instances of immature behavior and enhancing one's connections with other people.

In conclusion, childish conduct is an immature and inappropriate behavior that may be demonstrated by both children and adults. Childish behavior can be exhibited by both children and adults. Although it is frequently a healthy and normal part of a child's maturation process, the presence of these characteristics in adults may be cause for concern. Managing and minimizing childish behavior can be helped along by addressing underlying emotional and psychological concerns, improving emotional intelligence and social skills, and getting treatment from mental health specialists.

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