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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Who is Nelsen of the Infamous WWDB Amway Family Reunion?

 So, who is Nelsen, the infamous WWDB Amway Family Reunion host, and what is his storey?

Nelsen Moving Up will take place on July 14, 2011, and the Nelsen Family Reunion will take place from July 15 to 17, 2011. I previously reported that someone - or perhaps a couple - named "Nelsen" will be having events on those dates. See this post for the online address where I discovered the dates in question.

Nelsen is a surname that I am unfamiliar with; therefore, I turned to good old Google and looked for Nelsen Family Reunion 2011. I received a slew of results from what look to be actual families with the surname Nelsen who are holding reunions, which was surprising to me. So either “Nelsen” is a very busy young man, or I need to broaden my search criteria even further. Following that, I included Amway. The first three links lead to my personal blog. That's not very helpful, but it's sort of amusing because I'm probably misdirecting some Nelsen Amway fans who are trying to locate the information they're looking for.

The following link will take you to Amquix's website, Jane's Quixtar Amway Story.'s quixtar story.html

Diamonds Theron and Darlene Nelsen are mentioned in this piece as executive Diamonds Theron. Now, whether or not they are the same "Nelsen" that will be hosting the Amway WWDB Family Reunion from July 15 to 17, 2011, I have no idea. You're probably familiar with the situation with Amway and WWDB, as well as classified cult material. They don't make it easy for such knowledge to go out there. When you need Wikileaks, where are they when you need them?

Jane's storey, on the other hand, is more fascinating. It's something I've said before. Every Amway widow seems to have a tale that is nearly identical to the others. The only things that alter are the participants, the amount of money losses, and the places. Her storey ended tragically since Amway ended up destroying her marriage. Another Amway marriage has come to an end.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens once the Puryear Family Reunion concludes in July, and whether or not World Wide Dream Builders will provide Duncan and Nelsen some web time, among other things???? The most horrifying of horrors. It's bad enough that I've discovered three WWDB Amway Family Reunions, but it gets worse. Is it possible that there are others out there?

On behalf of poor old Jane, I'd like to say The Nelsens, World Wide Dream Builders, Amway, and anybody else who had a hand in flushing $35,000 of Jane's money down the toilet and destroying her marriage deserve a heartfelt fuck you from me out there in cyberspace.

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