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Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Pants Don’t Fit!

 Do you remember when Amway used to offer garments a few years back?

My Amway purchase was a swimsuit that I thought was rather nice, so I can claim that I did purchase one of the company's products that I enjoyed. That swimsuit was so appealing to me that if Amway still sold them, I might have purchased another one just like it.

For a pair of jeans that Ambot purchased for me and which I didn't really want, but you know all the nonsense upline plugs into you about buying from your own store... My normal size is 6, but depending on the cut, I could go up or down a size, so Ambot started with a pair of pants in my usual size, which is 6. Simply put, these are a plain-looking pair of casual pants. It's possible that they had a checkerboard or houndstooth pattern on them. I put them on and tried them on. I couldn't fasten them because they were too tight around the waist. Ambot took them back and switched them for a size 8 in return. It's the same problem. The waistband is far too tight. They couldn't be fastened. Ambot want to switch his current size for a larger one. I tell him to put it out of his mind. In any case, the pants aren't all that terrific. But he doesn't pay attention, and one day he surprises me with a pair of jeans in a size 10. I'm not happy with these, but when I try them on, they're exactly the same waist size as the other two smaller pairs - too tight and unable to be fastened properly. I explain to him that there is clearly a problem with Amway's clothes line, and he agrees. Most of the time, larger clothing sizes are just that: larger. They also have a looser fit than the size down. The majority of the time, if I put on a pair of size 10 jeans, they would slide right off me. Every single one of these pants had the same waist size, which I'm thinking was roughly a size 2, albeit the hips and thighs got a little roomier as the sizes went up.

Here's a major hint for you, Amway. When the size of a garment increases, all of the garment's dimensions must change. It is not possible to keep the waist a modest size while increasing the hip size as the size numbers increase. Perhaps this explains why Amway no longer engages in the business of selling apparel..

Ambot, on the other hand, is adamant. He replaces the pants once more and hands me a size 12 pair of pants. You probably guessed it, they were also too tiny. I assumed that was the end of it until he showed up with a size 14 in his possession.

"Ignore it!" says the author. I inform him. “I'm not putting those dang pants on again!” I exclaimed. Regardless of the size you purchase, they will never fit!

When it comes to women's clothing sizes, guys simply don't understand what they're talking about.

At long last, Ambot realises that I am not going to be wearing a piece of apparel in the double digit sizes and issues a refund to my credit card. Our upline, on the other hand, loses a few bonus points.

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