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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Amway Ambots Know Nothing About Basic Financial Planning

 I received a newsletter from my financial advisor, and a handful of words caught my attention enough that I decided to turn it into a blog post.

Having a solid financial education is essential for building a solid financial foundation for the future.


Americans are woefully underprepared when it comes to retirement planning.

Very true, and it is essentially what I already know.

Even while most people would prefer to put more money aside for their retirement, they may be unable to do so for many reasons. Most likely because they are fighting to make ends meet while living paycheck to paycheck and have little money left over to invest or put up for the future. In addition, many people are unsure of where they may go for financial guidance or to learn more about retirement planning. There is a wealth of useful information available in this day and age of the Internet. Financial advisors provide free blogs and newsletters to their clients. Of course, they would prefer to have you as a client, but you are not required to do so in order to read their advise online. There are books available. Financial experts are available at your bank that are willing to assist you for no charge.

Amway Ambots rely on the fucking assholes in their Amway upline for retirement planning in order to achieve a solid financial future in their business. A MAJOR MISTAKE!!!!! Amway IBOs are under the erroneous assumption that just because they have an Amway IBO card, they are now experts in everything, despite the fact that they know absolutely nothing about anything.

People have different ideas about how they will support their retirement. I recall reading somewhere that a shocking number of people, possibly the greatest percentage, are reliant on lottery prizes to make ends meet.

What is the average amount of money spent on Powerball? What do you want to spend $10, $20, or $100? It might be significantly more if it is a significant one. If you are lucky enough to win a prize, it will almost certainly be one of the smaller ones (1 in 32 chances). However, a large number of players do win a few dollars back. It's likely that I didn't spend anything near as much money as an Ambot does in a month on shoddy, overpriced Amway products.

After an Ambot has spent around $300 on shoddy overpriced Amway products, the lottery player has a much better chance of making back his or her money in a month than an Ambot who receives a commission of around $10 after investing the same amount in Amway for a month.

Which of the following do others anticipate having as a part of their retirement income? Some people are descended from their ancestors. Others may decide to sell their home and downsize to a smaller, more affordable home, allowing them to use the equity to fund their retirement. Others are covered by a pension plan through their place of employment. Others have made contributions to their retirement accounts. Others participate in the stock market or have other assets that they plan to sell in order to supplement their retirement income.

What is the retirement plan for an Amway ambot? It goes somewhat like this: you eat one Amway snack bar and drink one Amway beverage every day, and you find six people to do what you do, and they find six people, and they find six people, and so on and so on. As well as continuing to purchase a minimum of 100 PV in Amway products every month (roughly $300) for the rest of their lives, all of the hundreds of individuals in your downline will be required to do so. LOL!!! There is now a safe financial investment strategy in place!

Meanwhile, the guy at the head of that little empire can do nothing but sit back and watch as billions of dollars in residual revenue from Amway pours in every month, allowing him to live the life of luxury.

The Amway Ambot retirement plan is structured in this manner. That is the type of financial education that the ambot receives from the fucking jerks in his Amway upline, and it is very beneficial.

An Ambot, on the other hand, can never retire. They have to keep their cult followers in line by purchasing all of this Amway schwag and motivating them to stick it out for another month because success is just around the corner. They'll have to keep displaying the Amway bored plan and attending Scamway meetings as long as they can. The reason for this is that if the cult leader quits showing up and yelling at the downline to buy nasty costly Amway stuff, the cult followers will no longer be indoctrinated into purchasing that shit. They'll fade into obscurity, and with them, that source of money with them.

At the pinnacle of the Amway pyramid, one's life is in a perilous position. It has to come crashing down at some point.

Is your financial future secure because of Amway? When Amway's own material indicates that just a minuscule fraction of 1 percent of those who participate in their scam would gain money, this isn't a good idea. That represents a failure rate of more than 99 percent. Those who believe that Amway will give them with a solid financial future will be in for a nasty awakening when they discover that this is not the case. I shouldn't have trusted those liars and con artists working for Amway.

And since we're on the subject of Amway idiots that lie and scam people, let's send out a big giant FUCK YOU to them and their shoddy financial advise.

Amway Ambots are frequently accused of having a limited comprehension of fundamental concepts related to financial planning, which is one of the charges that is frequently directed against Amway Ambots. This may occur as a consequence of the fact that the Amway business model places a significant emphasis on sales and recruitment. As a consequence of this emphasis, key financial considerations like budgeting, saving, and investing may fall by the wayside.

Many Amway Ambots are instructed to place their primary attention on growing their downlines, which refers to the networks of Amway distributors that they sign up to sell the company's products. In spite of the fact that this tactic for expanding a business in accordance with the Amway model has the potential to be fruitful, it also has the potential to result in an approach to financial planning that lacks long-term perspective. It's possible for distributors to become so preoccupied with selling items and recruiting new members that they lose sight of other crucial aspects of their financial situation, such as putting money away for their retirement or diversifying their sources of income.

In addition, the Amway business model can be financially hazardous for distributors because they are typically expected to make an initial investment of a large amount of money in order to purchase products and training materials. If distributors are unable to meet their expenses by selling enough products or recruiting enough new members, this can put a strain on their finances and even lead to bankruptcy in extreme cases.

In addition, Amway Ambots are frequently pushed to buy and utilize Amway items themselves, which can put a strain on their finances if these products are out of their price range or if they are unable to resale them at a profit.

The marketing strategy that Amway employs to promote its products and services is yet another aspect that may be to blame for Amway distributors' generally poor financial literacy. Distributors are frequently shown a glamorous and thrilling image of entrepreneurship, which has the potential to divert their attention away from the crucial financial issues and obligations that come with running a firm.

In addition, it's possible that Amway distributors are given information regarding the financial rewards of the business that's either false or incomplete. It's possible that they'll be promised great levels of income or rapid financial growth, but they won't get a transparent explanation of the risks and difficulties that are involved.

In general, despite the fact that the Amway business model may present prospects for business ownership and financial success, it is essential for distributors to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of financial planning in order to establish a company that is both secure and able to endure for the long term. Amway Ambots have the ability to steer clear of any financial problems and establish a successful and lucrative business using the Amway business model if they place a high priority on financial education and adopt a more long-term approach to financial planning.

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