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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Insulting Women’s Makeup Choices

 Those who did not use or purchase Amway items were encouraged to be nasty, look down on them, and scoff at them by their upline.

The art of being unpleasant and sneering at people who were not interested in attending meetings or acquiring Amway junk was something Ambot learned from his father, who was an excellent teacher.

I, on the other hand, chose to target my disrespect towards the person in charge of the company I didn't care for. All of them, I'd say, would fall into this category.

The Platinum taught the IBOs to approach women and inquire about their cosmetics. He commanded the IBOs to scream: "No!" regardless of the brand they were promoting. “You've got to be kidding me!” I exclaimed. And then, with wide open mouths, they smack their foreheads, shake their heads, and gape with their mouths wide open in horror It was expected that after completing this process, they would tell the humiliated woman about Artistry and seek for a sale.

At the Amway meetings, Platinum would put on his "I detest your cosmetics, bitch" act in front of us, and we'd all laugh. Afterwards, he would go around the room, interviewing everyone, usually men, who had been putting this strategy into effect.

He would try to avoid asking me.

Is it OK to make fun of a woman's makeup choice? In the process, you're expecting to make a sale on pricey Amway merchandise. No, I don't believe so. If your scary routine is successful, you should be commended. I don't believe Ambot has ever attempted that strategy. At the very least, not in my presence.

An Investigation Into How Harmful It Is To Insult Women About Their Makeup Selections

Expressions of one's uniqueness and one's own identity are highly valued in today's culture, which views them as essential components of self-confidence and empowerment. Makeup is frequently cited as an area in which individuals are able to express their individuality while also putting their creative skills to use. Nevertheless, in spite of the progress achieved toward embracing diversity and accepting personal preferences, there is still a backwards practice of denigrating women based on the decisions they make regarding their makeup. This essay intends to shed light on this detrimental conduct, its consequences, and the significance of promoting acceptance and respect for one another and their differences.

The Influence of Cosmetics:

Since the beginning of human society, makeup has played an essential role, albeit one that has shifted and adapted to meet the needs of a wide range of civilizations. In today's world, it has developed into an art form that enables people to accentuate their characteristics, try out a variety of different styles, and express themselves through their appearance. Many women use cosmetics as a way to express their creative side, as a method of providing for their own self-care, and as a means of increasing their level of self-assurance. It has the potential to serve as a tool that enables individuals to feel at ease and in control within their own bodies.

The Repercussions of Making Fun of Women's Cosmetics Preferences

Insulting women about the choices they make in their makeup reduces the significance of their personal preferences and weakens their autonomy. It perpetuates cultural standards that govern how women should show themselves by sending the idea that women's choices are subject to examination and judgment, which is a detrimental message to communicate. These insults not only target a woman's physical looks, but also her self-esteem and confidence, causing the woman to experience emotional discomfort and eroding her sense of self-worth.

In addition, making fun of the makeup choices that women make reinforces unhealthful beauty standards and gives the impression that there is one single ideal of beauty that all women should strive to achieve. This myopic viewpoint ignores the great variety of what is considered beautiful and runs counter to the idea that all people should be treated equally. It prevents women from fully realizing their creative potential, it stifles self-expression, and it perpetuates gender stereotypes, all of which contribute to the development of a society that is less tolerant and inclusive.

Understanding the Value of Acceptance and Respect for Others:

When accepting diversity and working toward equality, it is crucial to respect the decisions that women make with their cosmetics. Every person has the freedom to freely express themselves, and this includes expressing themselves through makeup as well as through any other kind of self-expression. We establish an environment that embraces originality, stimulates creativity, and promotes self-confidence by supporting varied choices of cosmetics. This helps us all feel more like ourselves.

It is necessary to challenge both societal norms and beauty standards in order to promote acceptance and appreciation for the decisions that women make with their cosmetics. It entails acknowledging that attractiveness is a relative and individual trait, and that no one should be condemned or made fun of based on the decisions that they make. Instead, we ought to foster an attitude of openness and work toward creating a culture that honors diversity, promotes individual expression, and places a high value on the distinctive qualities of each individual.

Contrast Insults with Constructive Criticism:

Remembering that unsolicited judgment about someone's looks is often unwanted is just as important as remembering that it is necessary to differentiate between insults and helpful criticism. If the individual asks for help, it's a good idea to offer advice or suggestions on how they may improve their makeup application, but you should always treat them with consideration and courtesy. The genuine care and support for the well-being of an individual has to be the foundation of any debate, rather than the exclusive concentration on making surface-level evaluations.


A behavior that is bad because it undermines personal autonomy, maintains oppressive beauty standards, and restricts self-expression is insulting women for the choices they make regarding their makeup. Acceptance, honoring individuality, and embracing variety are all important first steps toward developing a culture that is more welcoming to people of all backgrounds. Let us make it our mission to encourage and empower women in the decisions they make by cultivating an atmosphere that respects their autonomy, supports the particular preferences they express, and acknowledges the distinct and beautiful ways in which they express themselves.

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