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Saturday, September 18, 2021

The $150 opportunity

 There are few other places where you may start your own business with simply a $150 investment.

What I can't tell you is how many times I've overheard those taunting statements from someone higher up in the organisation. It's usually punctuated by the claim that a $150 investment will result in a million-dollar enterprise.

After all, if it were truly possible to earn a million dollars by making a $150 investment, everyone on the planet would be doing it.

The cult leaders also claimed that the funds would continue to pour in while we strolled the beaches of the world, and they were correct. Spend a few years putting in the effort, after which you may sit back and collect residual income for the rest of your life, without ever having to put in any more effort.

Yes, that's correct.

The conceited pile of shite. Despite the fact that Platinum has been wasting his time on Amway for more than two decades, he continues to hold down a full-time job while spending every free minute on Amway.

Unfortunately, every word the cult leaders stated was swallowed whole by my Ambot.

To our financial detriment, the cult leaders conveniently forgot to include the costs of attending meetings, seminars, rallies, and other big functions in their estimates. No one addressed the purchase of CDs and books, the purchase of a premier membership in WWDB and Communikate, or the addition of phone costs. And none of those cretins informed Ambot of the fact that he would be forced to pay higher pricing for household supplies as well as higher shipping expenses for Amway products.

How did the Amway $150 possibility evolve into a monthly expenditure of several hundred dollars with no return on the investment a few short years later?

How do those cult leaders persuade their adherents to continue squandering their hard-earned money on dubious investments?

My hopelessness and powerlessness grew as I saw Ambot charge thousands of dollars to a credit card that had previously maintained a zero balance for far too many days.


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