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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Got chairs?

 BYOC is an abbreviation for Bring Your Own Chair.

Except for the living room furniture, which is difficult to move due to the weight of the couches and recliners, we have a handful of chairs that can be moved about reasonably quickly, which is probably the same number as the majority of households. We have six dining room chairs, four patio furniture chairs, and two or three folding lawn chairs, all of which are in good condition. All of this was put to good use whenever we hosted Amway meetings in our home. We also borrowed a set of stacking chairs from my folks, which numbered perhaps 10 or 12.

However, fortunately for us, the pretentious piece of garbage visited our home on a few of occasions. He declined to display the idea at our house because he knew the Ambot would be unable to persuade any potential customers to visit.

We were required to attend the Amway meetings, which were conducted at the residences of the pretentious bag of shit or at the cross line. Chairs were also required for this event. Particularly memorable were the chairs that did not belong to us, but rather to our parents. If the Ambot was ordered to bring the stacking chairs, he busted his ass driving to the next town where my parents resided, picking them up, and transporting them to the meeting, which meant he had to there early to assist with set up like a good little IBO.

It irritated the living daylights out of me. This was our crossline, as well as our upline on occasion. Why in the world couldn't they just go and get their own chairs? Alternatively, my parents might contact me directly to inquire about borrowing the stacking chairs and make their own arrangements to pick them up and deliver them back home.

We were constantly instructed that we were not expected to contribute various items for the Amway meetings until we reached the status of 1000 pins, and that the upline and persons who had reached the status of 1000 pins were the ones who were in charge of providing everything required at the meetings.

Due to a prior commitment, Ambot was unable to attend an Amway meeting at one point in the past. He still had to work hard to transport the stacking chairs across town for the International Business Organization, which was conducting a meeting at his home. And here's something else. After the meeting, the Platinum pile of shit called Ambot and scolded him for not showing up in person. Ambot just sat there with the phone pressed against his ear, enduring the insults from the pretentious sack of shit, who was at least ten years younger than him, without saying anything.

We're all of legal drinking age here. What's the point of calling someone and berating them? Adults don't enjoy being treated as though they're children. Apart from that, in the order of significance established by the pretentious sack of shit:

god is the first of these.

2. a partner

3. members of one's family

4. a position

Amway (number 5)

During that specific night, Ambot was involved in one of the top four songs on the chart.

Platinum is a hypocrite in every sense of the word.

...and yet another time, I send out an emphatic "fuck you" to that pretentious piece of shit.

Oh, and there's a side note regarding those stacking chairs as well. They were given to us by my father because he had become tired of loaning them out. Now my father borrows the chairs from us whenever he needed them.

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