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Saturday, September 18, 2021

The upline's order of importance

 During every Amway meeting that we attended where our upline platinum was the guest speaker, we heard the same list of things about his life and where everything fell in his hierarchy of importance over and over again. Here is his list, in the order in which he provided it:

1. There is a God.

2. Husband's wife

3. The relationship with one's family

4th, the job

Amway (number 5)

The Amway order of significance list, I'm confident, will be seen positively by everyone, and they will agree that it is a sound strategy to follow. If he actually followed the steps on his own checklist.

However, at every Amway meeting we attended, he would complain and berate us for taking time away from his wife and children in order to come to this meeting and talk to us about our products.

So? It's a big thing! I was also devoting time away from my family in order to attend his Amway meeting and listen to him spout forth his garbage.

OK. Let's take a look at his to-do list once more. His wife and children are the second and third most important people in his life, respectively. Amway is ranked number 5 on the list.

What? Is he some kind of filthy hypocrite? He can't even obey the rules he sets for himself. The truth is that Amway is either number one or number two on his list, depending on who you ask. Actually, I'd put it at number two. He was a devout Christian who avoided doing anything business-related on Sundays. Church and family are the only places I go. There will be no Amway business.

So here we were, at the same Amway conference, discussing the same thing. With the same negative attitude, the two of us decided that we did not want to waste our time at the Amway meeting when we would prefer to be spending time with our families. Which of us was going to take action to correct the situation?

I eventually put my life in order according to his priority list, and all of a sudden I'm a bad person who no longer attends meetings because I didn't put Amway out of order according to his priority list, and I'm no longer allowed to attend meetings.

As if I couldn't give a flying fuck what a bunch of people I don't care about think of me or anything. I'm aware of who the truly terrible and dangerous individual is in this situation: the cult leader. Platinum is a haughty pile of dung, to put it mildly.

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