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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Dishonesty and Blame

 The Amway upline would advise the Independent Business Owners (IBOs) to go crazy ass bananas and purchase Amway products, claiming that they should be their own best customer. After all, why would you go out and support other businesses when you can shop at your own establishment?

Let's see what happens. Shopping at other establishments: Price reductions. Better overall quality. Not having to deal with jerks like Amway's representatives. All of these are valid reasons to purchase somewhere else than Amway!

When was the last time we purchased energy drinks before being connected with Amway? Never. I'm not sure when we started buying food bars, protein bars, and all of those other bad-tasting Amway products. Rarely. Granola bars are something I buy a couple of times a year, but they are not something I buy on a regular basis. When was the last time I purchased vitamins other than from Amway? Never.

So now I have to go out and get all of these items from "our" (fictitious) store that I had never purchased before when I went grocery shopping. In order for us to save money?

Is it possible that you're joking???? Amway items are pricey and of poor quality, and we are spending hundreds of dollars per month on them, despite the fact that I have never purchased their cheaper and higher-quality shop counterparts in the preceding two years. What does it mean to be "saving" money?

I can save even more money if I don't buy things that I wouldn't have bought in the first place.

Ambot would be furious if I went to the pharmacy to pick up some toothpaste for him. "How come you aren't going to buy anything from our store and help us out?" He'd come up with the question. Oh, there are a couple of them. First and foremost, we are a bunch of stupid idiots for having things in our store that are too expensive to attract any real customers. It's a shame that the store isn't actually "ours," because we'd be able to put a price tag on the goods of our choosing. Second, when I brush my teeth, I have a gag reflex from that terrible Glister toothpaste. At the same time, I'd prefer not to puke while cleaning my teeth, thank you very much!

I've discovered a way to save even more money.....

Be your own best customer and avoid doing business with Amway!

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