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Friday, September 3, 2021

Glister Toothpaste – How To Puke And Brush Your Teeth At The Same Time

 It's difficult to pinpoint one Amway product is my least favourite. I mean, there are so many cheesy, expensive, and low-quality goods to select from!

Glister toothpaste from Amway is one of my least favourite products.

Ordinary toothpaste, the kind you see advertised on television all your life - Crest or Colgate - is what I use. Basically, whatever is on sale when I arrive to the pharmacy! I'm not very choosy when it comes to food. They all perform functions that are similar to one another.

In the beginning of our relationship with Amway, the fucking a**holes in our upline ran through our house yelling at Ambot to stop selling illegal products and replace them with something comparable that Amway sells. This made me quite irritated. But after that, there was nothing about our upline that didn't make me irritate me. In this particular instance, I despise being wasteful. Whenever we have perfectly good things in the house, I prefer to utilise them up until the container is completely empty before throwing them away. Essentially, the Amway mentality is to toss away perfectly good, usable things and then spend a lot of money replacing them with shoddy, overpriced Amway merchandise.

Glister toothpaste was one of those obnoxious items on the market. It is possible for me to go to the drugstore and see 20 feet of shelf space devoted to all the different varieties of toothpaste and the various things they can do for a person: aid prevent cavities, fluoride, mouthwash, whitener, sensitivity, and so on. With all of this fantastic toothpaste variety comes an equally incredible range of pricing. The price of a tube might range from a few cents up to many dollars.

Price? Compared to other toothpaste brands, Amway Glister toothpaste is slightly more expensive but not three or four times as expensive as other Amway goods. This may be due to the fact that most toothpastes at the store cost $2 or $3, thus a tube of Glister may be twice as expensive as a tube of Crest.

What about a little variety? Oh, I almost forgot. When it comes to toothpaste, Amway doesn't have any.

What about the sense of taste? There are a plethora of different tastes of toothpaste available. Mint, root beer, strawberry, to name a few flavours....

However, this is not the case with Amway. They only have one taste of toothpaste: puke!

Using regular toothpaste to brush my teeth has never been a problem for me. Brush, rinse, and spit are the three steps. It's not a problem.

Clearly, there is a problem with the Amway Glister toothpaste product. I brush my teeth and gag due to the awful taste of Glister toothpaste. I try to spit out as much of the garbage that has accumulated in my mouth as possible and continue brushing. I'm beginning to break out in sweats and am having difficulty breathing. This terrible shitty Amway toothpaste is making me gag, and I'm not going to stop brushing my teeth!

I'm a glutton for torture, therefore I'm constantly experimenting with Glister toothpaste. Remember how those fucking asses in our upline tossed out my perfectly fine toothpaste that did not make me puke? I despise wasting anything, and I despise wasting toothpaste.

After a few days, I finally caved in. When I'm brushing my teeth, I'd like not to puke on myself. As a result, I switched back to regular toothpaste and haven't had any more episodes of gagging since.

Is there a decent Amway slogan? You'll have to spend more money on our inferior toothpaste. Glister may not be able to clean your teeth, but he will certainly empty your stomach!

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