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Friday, September 3, 2021

Amway IBOs Brag How Amway Invented The Refund Policy

 Every time you visit this blog, and probably every other “negative” Amway website you can find to brag about Amway's refund policy, do you find yourself in a state of awe?

What is it with these dumb fuck ambots who leave comments on posts that have absolutely nothing to do with Amway's refund policy, for example? Their actions are motivated by the fact that they are all part of the life an Amway Ambot must lives as part of belonging to this cult: lie, deny, divert and protect. When discussing how Amway is defrauding people, a typical Amway ambot distract technique is used, and an ambot clutching a bible in one hand and rapidly typing with their other hand screeches that Amway has a 180-day refund policy.

Who gives a fuck about anything? It seems like we're talking about one thing, and then some fucking Amway guy walks in and brags about how Amway offers refunds.

Dumber fuck ambots accept everything their Amway cult leaders tell them, as though Amway was the first to introduce the concept of a refund.

I'm not sure who came up with the idea of refunds. Perhaps this dates back to the days of the cavemen. I am aware that refund procedures have been in force for a long time prior to the introduction of Scamway on the market.

How come amway bots make asses of themselves by bragging about how Amway offers refunds as if this is something no other company does, and then they make even bigger asses of themselves when it comes to posting on a subject that has nothing to do with refunds, is beyond me.

My purchasing habits are such that I don't make the mistake of purchasing items with the sole intention of returning them for a refund. I've had to seek refunds on a variety of different things over the years, but I'm not a serial return for refund person. For the same reason as many others, I believe that returning something and getting a refund is usually more effort than it is worth most of the times. To simply put up with it or throw it away is less difficult.

Most stores have a return policy that allows for a refund. It is quite rare for a retailer to refuse to issue a refund. Customers must be completely satisfied in order to generate additional revenue from them through repeat business and referrals. Stores have varying policies regarding refunds and exchanges. It is usually adequate for customers to determine whether or not this is the right product for them within 30 days of making their initial purchase. People in Amway suffer from being brainwashed and raped in the mind, as well as being cognitively slow and behind others since they are unable to think for themselves. As a result, it takes them far longer, ie 180 days, to realise they require a refund from the company. Alternatively, they can obtain authorization from the asses in their upline to issue a refund.

Other establishments, such as the individuals selling bags of oranges on the corners and medians of La Cienega Boulevard, do not provide refunds. It takes some time for you to sort through the plastic bag and make a decision before handing out your money. Even if you went back to look for them and tried to get your money back, it's unlikely that you'd be able to locate them again. This is especially true if the INS van has recently rolled down the road.

In other words, how many of those Amway ambots who scream about how Amway invented refunds and how Amway is the only firm in the world that offers refunds have ever attempted to obtain a refund from their cherished employer have actually succeeded? According to Amway, this falls under the area of being "more hassle than it's worth," which is something they rely on. To begin, you must go through the I-don't-give-a-fuck department of Amway, which is a time-consuming process. As an example, the staff was filing their fingernails when we interrupted them with a phone call, and they are going to berate us for disturbing them with something as insignificant as a refund, and they will berate us even more.

After overcoming the difficulties of dealing with Amway's unhelpful support desk, also known as the I-don't-give-a-fuck department, you will have to contend with being bitched at and humiliated by the fucking bastards in your Amway upline.

The difficulty about requesting a refund from Amway is that the process doesn't stop once your money has been repaid. That PV you gained when you purchased the shoddy, expensive Amway product has now been subtracted from your total amount of brownie points earned. A refund will result in the loss of those points. And it doesn't stop there. It keeps going. All of the fucking asses in your Amway upline lose out on that commission as well, and they all end up in the red on their old PV. And that's when the stuff really starts to fly. They will be calling and messaging the ambot, berating him for being such a loser for asking for a refund on Amway's "great high grade prestige" product, and the ambot will be moaning about it. Furthermore, at the next Amway meeting, the piece of shit cult leader who is in charge of that meeting will publicly humiliate himself by crying out the ambot in front of everyone.

The majority of Amway ambots who show up are probably bragging about how Amway offers refunds and that no other company in the entire globe does!!

LOL!! They have never actually attempted to obtain a refund, and if they have, they have failed to inform us of the shit kicking they received from the fucking asses who were in their Amway upline when everyone's points were thrown out in the trash can.

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