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Friday, September 3, 2021

Join The Amway Cult And Turn Into A Bitch

 One of our readers recounts his experience, revealing that nothing has changed at Amway in the past 30 years.

Amway ambots are still labelling those who are not affiliated with the company "losers." Check.

Amway has been a living horror from the beginning. Check.

Amway has a way of turning people into jerks (or bastards or assholes or fucking morons). Check.

Accused of destroying or failing to support another person's Amway business. Check.

On the ambot's hit list when you refuse to purchase their shoddy, expensive goods. Check.

Treat your family and others who are not interested in joining Amway with contempt. Check.

Amway is utilising religion to further their own perverted beliefs and agenda. Check.

If you leave Amway, you will be informed that you are a failure. Check.

You're losing your home as a result of Amway. Check.

Amway ambots are tearing down bridges with their snarky demeanors. Check.

OMG!!! The fact that Amway is still the same company it was 30 years ago astounds me.

I was 18 years old when this happened in 1981. My girlfriend's mother convinced me to join, and it was a living torment from the get-go. My girlfriend's mother, who had previously been a sweet, serene, and deeply religious lady whom I admired, quickly deteriorated into a complete BITCH.

Because my girlfriend was on her side, it was difficult to leave, especially because I had been living with them since my parents relocated to Florida. I had no idea where I was headed. For the better part of that year, I practically gave away all of my hard-earned money from my full-time job until I was able to move out on my own.

I resigned after a year and a half, but I was still on the hook. My partner coerced me into purchasing items and renewing my membership when it was about to expire. Prior to quitting and keeping my hard-earned money, I had to raise hell on earth. It was a never-ending circle of hell. My fiancée would never refer to me as a loser (which is what you are supposed to term those who don't follow through), but she was enraged and accused me of ruining her mother's business as a result of my decision to walk away from it.

I was immediately placed on her mother's SHITLIST, and she became even more threatening. What was the reason for my resignation? The primary reason was that they demanded that you "destroy your bridges." This means that you tell everyone that you're going to get wealthy through Amway, and that you treat family members and anyone else who doesn't want to join like SHIT. It would be difficult to quit in this situation since you would merely appear to be an idiot (and worse than that, like a loser to Amway members).

There is another reason: according to the Bible, "if you begin a duty and then glance back, you are not worthy of the Kingdom of God," therefore don't look back. And I didn't want to end up on the wrong side of God, I reasoned.

Current members are unable to resign because of the embarrassment of having to address family members whom they have neglected and the humiliation of appearing a failure in front of their former buddies.

As much as I tried, I could never bring myself to treat my family members like SHIT for NO ONE, and I was made to feel like a failure as a result of my inability to do so when I stopped.

I eventually relocated to Florida with my parents, and I also invited my fiancée to join me because we were expecting a kid together. However, she continued to be a Bitch about my decision to leave Amway for an extended period of time. After a while, she forgot everything about Amway when she was in Florida. We got married later in life and have been married for 25 years now.

Despite the fact that I bring this tragedy up on a regular basis, my wife has yet to admit that they were incorrect about Amway (maybe out of embarrassment). Three years after her mother joined Amway, they were forced to sell their home, which I believe was due to the fact that they had used their home as collateral for the company and the mortgage had become too expensive. They were forced to live in motels for six months with nine of their children, and they were on the verge of being evicted if I had not taken them in. Two of her children became addicted to narcotics. The woman has recently returned to church after a thirty-year hiatus, but she is having difficulty re-engaging her children in the process.

I have a nice connection with her and I adore her to the moon and back, but I still remember what a Bitch she was to me and I feel irritated when I think about it. The fact that some Amway members are likely going through damage control means they are well aware of the dangers of continuing in the company because the pain of facing your "burned bridges" is a real annoyance to them. Even while I'm relieved that it didn't have a negative impact on my family and relationships, I constantly feel the aftershocks of angry recollections.

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