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Friday, September 3, 2021

Ignore Fucking Amway Ambots!

 A reader describes what it's like to be harassed by Amway ambots while in university.

This has occurred to me previously. It happened in my instance because they didn't give the name and I was dragged into a meeting.

Even though I didn't get drawn in completely, I can only agree with some of the points made here. When I was introduced to it for the first time, I was a first-year college student. The female who provided him with the information was like a cascade. I sat beneath it and poured information into it incessantly, only pausing briefly to answer a question I managed to cram in. That was the first red flag to be raised.

I was invited to one of their meetings. What I observed first was that the girl had forcefully messaged me to leave, which I did because I had completed all of the tasks that were assigned to me and had nothing else to do. The second red flag has been raised.

The meeting was uncomfortable to say the least. A few individuals erupted in applause when the town's highest ranking officials entered, as though their favourite sports team had won a championship or their favourite musician had arrived. Basically, they're screaming at the top of their voices. The third red flag has been raised.

I really wanted to get out of here. The name of the corporation was not mentioned in their conversation as far as they were concerned. They attempted to obtain my credit card information in order to persuade me to purchase their merchandise and immediately join. So I explained that I had something important to attend to and that I needed to return to my dorm.

That was the conclusion of the discussion. I still see some of the people that pitched the Amway message at my institution (they were also college students) pitching the message now. I felt a little sorry for them because their expressions conveyed uncertainty and a desperate need for money. However, they may be able to get out of their hole in the future. Now, if I receive a message on Facebook, I simply delete it since it is really inconvenient and infuriating. I'm not going to make the same mistakes I did the first time.

By the way, this is in the state of New Jersey. These individuals are present at my institution, Rutgers, as well as at other universities that engage in this practise. They are completely ignored by all of my friends. It's best to keep things as they are.

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