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Friday, September 3, 2021

Amway Ambots Brainwashed To Believe They’re Entrepreneurs

 Is it common for you to receive a sales pitch for an MLM scam in your Facebook feed, emails, or when you run into people?

Amway Ambots aren't the only con artists who prey on unsuspecting victims. There are many different types of pyramid scams in which people believe they will become wealthy quickly and are required to prospect everyone they know as well as everyone they do not know, in order to succeed. They view people as suckers who can be manipulated into purchasing their garbage. They get completely seized by the all-powerful dollar.

The Internet is exploding with people who have joined a shady multi-level marketing business and are trying to sell you their junk to get rich quick.

The majority of people who become involved in MLM scams do so to earn extra money while working from home.

Consider all of the Amway pitches that are out there. How would you like to work 10 to 15 hours a week from the comfort of your own home and earn a few thousand dollars a month in commissions?

Amway, like many other MLM schemes, has a slew of overpriced, mediocre products for sale, as well as a large number of sales representatives hawking their wares.

The Amway cult leaders mislead its followers into believing that they are "Independent Business Owners" and that they are big shot hot shit entrepreneurs in order to increase their profits.

OK Ambots, you need to figure this out! In the business world, an entrepreneur is someone who has developed their own product or service and is selling it to actual customers.

We are not referring to creating fictitious accounts for your pets and your comatose aunt who is in a nursing home and purchasing things to make it appear as though you have a downline purchasing products in the manner of Amway Ambots.

An entrepreneur is NOT a commission-based sales representative for the products and services of another firm. You have absolutely no influence over the goods, the pricing, or even the method of distribution. It is mandatory for Amway IBOs to sign non-compete restrictions in their IBO contracts, which restrict how a product may be offered for sale. If Amway has an internet presence, it follows that Ambots will not be able to sell online as well. All Ambots can do is set up a landing page and refer unsuspecting customers to purchase costly, substandard Amway items.

That is something that everyone in the rational world understands. Someone who has been brainwashed by his (her?) cult leaders does not "understand" what I'm trying to say.

Here's something else to consider. If there are 100 other people in your region selling the same fraudulent MLM product as you, this is referred to as oversaturation in the market! Legitimate businesses that use sales representatives have a defined number of representatives servicing a given region, and these representatives do not overlap. Because they'd be a bunch of dummies. Coca Cola isn't going to deploy 100 sales representatives to cover the entire city of Sacramento. This is due to the fact that these 100 representatives would be bothering the living daylights out of all of the retailers. No one makes any money, and as a result, the shops become enraged and decide to carry solely Pepsi products.

Consider Amway Ambots as people that bug the living daylights out of everyone in order to attract them into the Amway cult or persuade them to buy Amway's shoddy products. That is something no one wants. Except that Amway Ambots are such arrogant jerks that they aren't even aware that they are making assholes of themselves.

Being an entrepreneur provides you with the opportunity to make money doing something that you enjoy and are good at. Perhaps you have a talent for creating pillows, photography, car repair, or something else.

In the event that you are strong at commission sales, it is what you should pursue, and depending on the business, you may even be considered an entrepreneur. If you work in the sales industry, you most likely work out of a corporate headquarters, where you are still subject to their rules and commission system, but your working hours are decided by what is best for your customers. Although you may operate independently, you are still a part of a larger picture. Alternatively, you may open your own real estate office. The same is true if you are a lawyer or a doctor. When you first start out, you might work for a corporation or a group of experts with similar backgrounds, but as your experience grows, you might consider opening your own office.

Being an Amway Ambot is not the same as being a business owner. In this position, you are a low-paid commissioned sales representative, and you are most likely not very competent at what you do. People aren't interested in purchasing boxes of your pricey lousy laundry soap. No one wants to become a member of your sleazy Amway cult.

What is it that you are particularly good at? Find a means to make money from it and you can start your own business.

Are you exceptionally skilled at selling laundry soap that has been developed, priced, and otherwise governed by another company?

The chances of becoming wealthy are higher for entrepreneurs who have a product or service to sell to others than for those who assist others in selling their goods. DeVos and VanAndel use Amway Ambots to assist them sell their overpriced crappy products. Most Ambots, on the other hand, eat and store their garbage by purchasing it themselves. But you understand what I'm trying to express.

Amway Ambots have been brainwashed into believing they are successful business owners.

The rest of the world is laughing at you, Amway failures, because you are so ridiculous.

The multi-level marketing (MLM) system offered by Amway includes, as one of its primary draws, the possibility of business ownership. Amway Ambots are frequently informed that they have the chance to become their own boss, begin their own business, and earn potentially considerable incomes while doing so by selling high-quality products through the Amway business opportunity.

However, there are many who believe that this promise of entrepreneurial opportunity is deceptive, and that Amway Ambots are actually being brainwashed into believing that they are entrepreneurs when, in reality, they are just salesmen working inside a broader multi-level marketing structure.

The manipulation of language and messaging is one of the primary methods that Amway Ambots may be subjected to throughout the process of brainwashing. Amway frequently refers to its distributors as Independent Business Owners (IBOs), which suggests a level of autonomy and authority that may not truly exist within the MLM system. This is because Amway operates under a multi-level marketing business model. Individuals who are looking for a method to improve their current financial condition or acquire greater control over their lives may be persuaded by Amway's use of language that places an emphasis on the possibilities for financial success and personal empowerment.

The social dynamics that are inherent to the MLM system present yet another potential avenue through which Amway Ambots can be brainwashed. It is common for friends or family members of Amway Ambots to be the ones to recruit them into the MLM, and they may be encouraged to attend events or gatherings where the atmosphere is extremely enthusiastic and supportive of the MLM system. This can lead to the formation of a sense of group identification and belonging, which can then be strengthened through the implementation of strategies such as the awarding of public recognition and awards to those who demonstrate outstanding performance.

Some people believe that the strong sense of group identity that Amway Ambots have is one of the factors that contributes to their feeling of being brainwashed. They may begin to consider themselves as a part of a bigger movement or community, and as a result, they may be less prone to challenge the teachings and practices of the multi-level marketing system.

It is important to keep in mind that not all Amway Ambots may be subjected to this form of brainwashing, and that many of them may truly believe that the MLM system allows them to function as entrepreneurs. However, it is essential to be aware that the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry has been criticized for its use of deceptive terminology and strategies, the likes of which can give participants the impression that they are being brainwashed.

In conclusion, despite the fact that Amway Ambots may be marketed with the promise of business ownership, it is essential to keep in mind that this promise is not guaranteed to be kept in actual business practice. Some people believe that Amway Ambots are misled into thinking that they are entrepreneurs when, in reality, they are just salesmen working inside a bigger multi-level marketing structure. They believe that this misperception can have a negative impact on both their financial and personal well-being. It is essential for anyone who is thinking about getting involved in the multi-level marketing sector to approach any opportunity with a critical mindset and to thoughtfully analyze the dangers as well as the potential rewards.

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