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Friday, September 3, 2021

The Excruciating Horrors Of Working An Amway Function

 As a precaution, in case any ambots show up here crying out about how they missed Portland FED "last weekend," please keep in mind that when this comment was left on October 15, it was actually "last weekend" to the writer, but wherever it appears on this site will be several weeks later. In other words, you ambots don't have to be any dumber than you already are by being all high and mighty about the fact that Amway didn't have a function going on anywhere "last weekend." Every time I went to an Amway function, I would look around at the employees that worked in the venues and wonder what was going through their heads as they listened to the garbage that was being spouted from the asses up on the stage.

This past weekend, I volunteered as an usher at the Portland FED conference. I've been involved with this event for several years and find it to be a fascinating study of human behaviour in general. This last weekend, I came to the conclusion that it is, in fact, a religious cult. I understand the drive for success and wealth that exists in every human being. It's comforting to have the impression that someone else can point you in the direction of these riches. As a result, when I heard multiple speakers remark that if your family and friends try to persuade you out of this quest, you should find new family and friends, I was encouraged (i.e. your Amway family). That is so eerily similar to a cult strategy that it is alarming. There were a number of things mentioned by these "diamonds" that I found excruciating, particularly the statement that everyone who had a "career" is living a life of mediocrity. Despite the fact that they did not use the term "loser," it was clearly inferred. Aside from running my two modest enterprises, I also work at two other part-time occupations (working on a 3rd). I am quite content and delighted in my work, and I enjoy my businesses. Every day is a pleasure, and my financial situation is stable. Please don't describe my life as mediocre, and please understand that there is absolutely no way on earth that I would want to live the Amway way of life. Good luck to those of you who choose to do so.

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