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Friday, September 3, 2021

Ambot Dreams Of Peter Island

 Can someone tell me what the big issue is with this 'Peter Island' place that she keeps mentioning? a reader writes in to ask: She keeps images of it in her car, along with other items she hopes to acquire after she has achieved success in the corporate world. She is adamant that Peter Island is where the wealthy Platinums are now residing!

Peter Island, which appears to be the favourite vacation of Amway ambots, has come up in conversation several times over the years. Others are perplexed as to what all the fuss is about. The majority of the material may be found with a quick search on the Internet. It is a privately owned island that is part of the British Virgin Islands group that is located in the Caribbean. The island was purchased by the Amway corporation in 1978, and it was given to the Van Andel family in 2001, who happened to be one of the owners of Amway at the time. There's a resort there that Amway ambots long to visit on their vacations. Nightly accommodation rates range from hundreds of dollars per night to over a thousand dollars and higher if renting a villa, which can cost thousands of dollars.

In comparison to other privately owned resorts in the Caribbean, is it any more expensive? According to Fodor's 3559.html, there are ten private Caribbean islands and resorts, with Peter Island being one of them. Despite the fact that ambots go around bragging about how the island is only available to Amway commissioned salespeople to stay there, it appears that the owners are less discriminatory and willing to accept money from anyone who wants to vacation there, and given that the majority of people working as low-paid commissioned salesreps for Amway are broke, it would appear that the island's client base for the prices they charge would be a reasonable one. So if you're interested in comparing your private island to other private islands, here's a link to help you out.

It's the bit where this person is quoting an ambot who claims that all successful Platinums now reside on Peter Island that gets me. I'm not sure how the words successful and Platinum can be used in the same sentence together. If an Emerald is only making $2 to $3 thousand per month, a Platinum will not be making nearly as much money as an Emerald, and since it appears that an Emerald would have to spend their entire month's earnings on a couple of days at Peter Island, it is unlikely that they are currently residing there.

My guess is that Platinums have abandoned whatever they were doing in the United States to take on work as housecleaners or in the food service industry on Peter Island. Amway probably pays more than they are now earning as a commissioned salesperson for the company. The existence of workers' housing on Peter Island is unknown, which means that employees may be required to go by boat from one of the other nearby islands to their place of employment. I'm sure that takes a significant amount of money out of someone's paycheck.

As an educated assumption, I strongly doubt that the owners of Peter Island are enabling a swarm of Platinums to live on their dime because a Platinum would not be able to afford to do so on the salary that Amway provides.

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