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Friday, September 3, 2021

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

 As I reflect on the holiday season, I realise that any time of year when you don't have to deal with Amway garbage and Amway assholes is the most lovely time of the year!

But you understand what I'm talking about. The holiday season has officially begun. Things are hectic, and I'm relieved that I don't have to combine cheerful, happy Christmas activities with gloomy Amway nonsense.

In our family, we rotate who hosts Christmas Day dinner, with one person cooking the turkey and the rest of the family bringing side dishes. However, as we grow older and enter into new marriages and families, we tend to become more disjointed. You can't please everyone all of the time, and whenever more relatives appear on the horizon, you'll have to divide your attention accordingly. That still entails getting together with everyone at some point or another over the week leading up to Christmas. Then there's all the Christmas baking and shopping to do, as well as all the other things to do. How do the folks who work at Amway keep it all together? They don't have any. First and foremost, Amway activities take precedence. Family get-togethers are being pushed to the sidelines.

All of the bananas who contribute to this blog are inundated with holiday activities this time of year, so we're slowing things down a little. You can't be everywhere at the same time. Because the well is currently dry, it is likely that the bananas who generate content are preoccupied with more important matters at the moment. The banana who administers the blog and posting is overburdened with other responsibilities, and the comment moderator is equally overburdened, so they don't have a lot of spare time to assist you here at the moment. All of this combined implies that fewer posts will be submitted in December, and the process of vetting comments for publication will be more time consuming in December. In addition, my looking and responding have slowed down. It is the month of December. It's no surprise that we're all quite busy.

We all have lives, and that's one of the benefits of not being in Amway. Moreover, we all look forward to the Christmas season, especially when it is not accompanied by the stress of working for Amway.

All of you former ambots understand precisely what I'm talking about, don't you?

Reprints are on their way, unfortunately not one of my favourites because the banana who posts doesn't care for posting images, but I still have a couple of entertaining ones in the works. It's just that it's not coming that quickly.

And, seriously, people. Do you want to spend your holiday season reading blogs instead of watching television? Remove yourself from your computer. Take a stroll around the shoreline. Take part in carol singing. Attend a Christmas pageant if you can.

And for those of you who are dealing with a loved one who has become entangled in the Amway cult, I hope you don't find any shady Amway products under your Christmas tree this season. My best wishes for a pleasant Christmas season from your ambot! When you witness someone you care about being emotionally and financially ruined by this evil, it's a difficult time of year to witness. I hope things improve for you and that you have a joyful Christmas season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The following was posted by Anna Banana at 8:33 AM

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