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Friday, September 3, 2021

Children Of Amway Ambots

 In the comments section of the Married to an Ambot blog, we receive messages from children of ambots, which we sometimes republish as their own blog articles in case readers missed them.

Because of their parents' involvement in the Amway cult, the Ambot children experienced a traumatic upbringing. A large part of it is due to neglect. Due to the fact that they were out every night of the week attending Amway meetings or prospecting, their parents were unable to spend quality time with them. The same may be said for weekends. There are a lot of Amway activities going on.

These parents place a higher value on a box of soap or a case of water than they place on their children. More important to them than spending time with their children was wasting hundreds of hours in order to possibly earn a $1 commission on an Amway sale.

Children have told me that they were unable to attend their friends' birthday parties because their parents refused to purchase a birthday gift for the friend because they "consulted with upline," and the fucking assholes in the Amway upline told them that it was more important to use the money to purchase Amway tools or products rather than birthday presents.

The youngsters also endure embarrassment as a result of their ambot parents' prospecting of the parents of their friends or classmates' children. Because their parents work for Amway, their children have told stories of being teased in the schoolyard.

People who work for Amway have no business having children, according to the company. Instead of spending quality time with their children, they must spend time with the bastards in their Amway upline. Any extra money must be spent on Amway, rather than on clothes or other necessities for the children's well-being. Consider sending your child to school with an Amway meal bar, Perfect Water, and a Nutrilite vegetable/fruit vitamin in his or her backpack.

Sure, these ambot parents claim that they are in Amway to provide a better life for themselves and their children, but this has only happened to a small number of Diamonds who have broken through. Everyone else will be impoverished for the rest of their lives if they remain in the Amway cult for a long enough period of time.

The strangest thing is that, despite the harsh treatment they receive, the children of ambots still want to remain with their families rather than being taken away and placed in a nurturing environment. They don't have any other information. They are propelled by a strong sense of love and loyalty for their parents, no matter how difficult their circumstances are.

They end up with angry adult children because they mistakenly believe they are improving their families' lives by depriving them of time, attention, and fundamental needs. This is unlikely to apply to parents who tried Amway and gave up after a few months and were able to recover from their traumatic experience with the company. I'm talking about parents who have been members of the Amway cult for many years and are lifers.

Your children will despise you as a result of this.

Children who are raised by their parents who are Amway Ambots, also known as Amway distributors, are frequently exposed to a one-of-a-kind environment that places a premium on the development of an entrepreneurial spirit, financial autonomy, and a robust work ethic. Although many Amway distributors are under the impression that this setting is healthy for children, some contend that it may actually hinder the growth of the children who are exposed to it.

The emphasis placed on achieving success in business and finances is one of the aspects of growing up in an Amway family that has the most profound influence. Children are frequently made aware of the concept that achieving financial autonomy is necessary to achieve happiness and that achieving success in business is the pinnacle objective. While this may serve as a source of inspiration for some kids, it also has the potential to set unachievable standards for them and put more stress on them to achieve excellent results.

There is a lot of pressure to get involved in the Amway business at a young age, which could be another possible problem. A significant number of Amway distributors encourage their children to become involved in the business at the earliest possible age. Some of these parents even offer financial rewards to their children if they are successful in making sales or recruiting new distributors. This can result in a focus on economic activities rather than other crucial components of childhood, such as interacting with others, learning via play, and so on.

Children may experience feelings of social isolation as a result of the focus placed on Amway in some families. Because Amway-related activities may take precedence over children's opportunities to socialize with their friends in certain households, children may have a sense of disconnection from both their peers and the larger community. When a child makes the decision that they do not want to pursue the Amway business and feels that they do not fit in with their family's morals and views, this may be a particularly difficult situation.

There is also the problem of children being subjected to messages about Amway and the business world that could be detrimental to them or give them the wrong impression. There are some Amway distributors who set unachievable standards for financial success for their customers and who may or may not reveal the dangers and difficulties connected with the business. Because of this, children may grow up with inflated notions of what it means to be successful and a shallow comprehension of the challenges that come with running a business.

In general, growing up in an Amway home can have a variety of affects on a child, including both positive and negative outcomes. The emphasis placed on being financially successful and being an entrepreneur can be helpful; yet, it also has the potential to lead to stress, unrealized expectations, and social isolation. It is essential for parents to take into account the potential effects that these factors could have on their children and to ensure that they place their children's emotional and social growth alongside their children's financial success as a top priority.

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