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Friday, September 3, 2021

Lightbulb Moment – Family And Friends More Important Than Amway

 The importance of family and friends outweighs the importance of Amway.

If you're an Amway cult member who believes their family and friends are more important than Amway, you're committing sacrilege by saying those words. Tolerating mockery from the cult leader and getting bashed at the next Scamway meeting for being a quitter, a loser, having lost the dream, and the other fucked up messages that are part of the training for "company owners" is a difficult task. The following is an example of a man who would have been labelled in Amway words as "heated up," "a mover and shaker," "growing his business," "smart guy," and all of the other nonsense that Amway cult leaders heap praise upon those who earn them commission. According to reports, things are different at WWDB now than they were in the 1990s. Apparently, back then, they instilled honesty and a strong work ethic in their students. Nope, that shit has been flung out the window as well. These days, insults, taunts, lies, frauds, and a lack of values are taught to children in schools. It is extremely rare these days for someone to admit in advance that they will be bringing a prospect to an Amway meeting. It is designed to deceive the prospect into believing they are attending another type of event. However, back in the 1990s, this individual did use the feared He deserved such a compliment.

WWDB is a fake, and this is a lightbulb moment.

The lightbulb moment came when I realised that I could share in the earnings from the tools, and that's where the money is.

The lightbulb moment came when I realised that my Amway upline was refusing to assist me if I did not agree with their hidden motives.

The lightbulb moment: WWDB makes you a glutton for punishment.

Moment of clarity: family and friends are more important than Amway.

The lightbulb went off — abandon the Amway scam and devote your time and energy to more essential things.

Thank you for taking the time to share your storey!

From 1994 until 1999, my wife and I worked for WWDB in various capacities. Those were the days when we worked extremely hard, popping in and out of Direct qualification and Ruby twice a week.

In many cases, the concepts taught by WWDB are sound (integrity and work ethic, among other things), and they may be applied to any business model. Because of what I learnt, I became a better employee in my day job and went on to become quite successful as a headhunter in the software industry after that.

While living in the Seattle area, there were a plethora of WWDB functions to drag prospects to, and I made it a point to never bring new prospects to gatherings where they were unaware that it was an Amway activity. We simply educated people on the fundamentals: the larger your business grows, the lower the cost of goods and services, and the greater the profit margin.

The WWDB system, on the other hand, is a fraud. We were sat down and told (finally!) how, as a direct and above, we would receive a portion of the income generated by WWDB from the selling of "TOOLS." It is possible that if they were truly interested in ONLY helping people expand their businesses, they would have found a more cost-effective way to communicate the information. Selling cassette tapes of a Seminar and Rally every week that essentially tell you the same thing over and over again, and forcing people to buy books at inflated prices so that the upline can pocket profits, wouldn't be such a bad deal IF the people purchasing those tools were made aware of this fact prior to purchasing those tools and services. I've always been perplexed as to why so much emphasis was placed on tool flow... Rather than selling items, the diamonds are said to be more interested in pushing tools, and the entire business is said to be centred on selling products rather than pushing tools.

At some point, after learning the skills and knowledge that WWDB provided me with helped me to become extremely successful in my "day job" as a headhunter, and I began earning more money than my upline emeralds, everyone upline from me began dragging me to meet some of the other local diamonds personally- Brad W, Brad D, Greg D... who all proceeded to tell me that I was gaining too much "status" from my success in my job and that it was better for me They advised me not to participate in the President's Club vacations to Cabo and the Caribbean that my boss would be taking my wife and me on, and that I should instead stay at home and grow my business using the time off my boss had granted me for the corporate excursions. When I refused to do so, WWDB and my upline ceased all assistance for my business completely.

Anyway, after I discovered how much money my upline was earning off of tools, I'd had enough of it. The idea of being forced to feel guilty about being successful in my job and wanting to spend time with my family and friends had become too much for me to bear. After enough of WWDB telling me how to live my life and manage my money while Brad W was out banging the wives of his downline, Greg D was over-leveraging himself to the point of bankruptcy, and Brad D was spewing his vindictive rage at anyone who wasn't pushing TOOLS, I decided to leave the company.

My realisation that all WWDB was doing to me was making me GREEDY came as a complete surprise to me one day. It had taken hold of me and I was ill with it. Now, I am well, happy, and healthy, and I am incredibly wealthy in terms of family and friends—the things that are genuinely, truly important in life—and I am well-adjusted.

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