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Friday, September 3, 2021

What To Expect When Signing Up For Amway

 Thank you to AnonTB for providing some information on what to expect if you decide to join the Amway cult. Here is some advice for a lady whose husband is considering joining the cult:

You will require several hundred dollars per month to cover the costs of merchandise, books, recordings, meetings, rallies, and gas. Inquire as to where that money will come from and what he/you will be giving up in order to pay for it. He may tell you that this time will pass quickly and that you will soon be earning enough money to support your living costs. Solicit specifics from him. For example, how many recruits do you need to break even, and how are you going to attract those recruits?

2- The items are quite expensive, and you will end yourself purchasing far more than you would be able to use. If you don't buy items like this now, what makes you think you'll be thrilled about buying them in the future, and what makes you think you'll be excited about overbuying pricey products later in life? If you are unable to become enthusiastic about the products, how likely is it that you will be in convincing others to purchase them?

-> Instead of joining up as an IBO after the three-week cooling-off period, urge your husband to simply purchase a large quantity of product and use it for a month. Check to see if his enthusiasm for the product is matched by his enthusiasm for the business "opportunity." That is a reasonable request. It seems likely that his business will still be operational by the end of the month.

3- If you decide to become an IBO, the majority of your time and energy will be spent recruiting. Your first recruiters will almost certainly be people you already know. Is it possible that you will feel uncomfortable attempting to sign up family, friends, and neighbours while omitting critical information that they require to make an informed decision, such as all of the recurring monthly expenses (tools, web site, voicemail system, meetings, excess product inventory, and so on)? This is referred to as a lie of omission, and it is necessary in order to recruit people. Is it possible for you to do this to individuals you know?

Your speaker stated that he would not miss a meeting, regardless of the severity of his illness from the flu. Consider the following: why would you need to attend every meeting, even if there are no prospects present? Because it is said that successful people behave in this manner, there is no compelling reason to believe otherwise.

5- Inform your husband that if you do not join him as an IBO, Ambots have been known to try to persuade him to choose between you and the Amway business opportunity. In order for him to leave the company if this occurs, you must persuade him to make a verbal commitment to you. Not in a year's time. Not in a month's time. Now.

6- You claimed that the Ambots you encountered were intelligent, educated individuals who were far too intelligent to fall prey to a terrible opportunity. As a result, it must be of high quality. This is a logical fallacy, and it should be avoided. This is what enabled Bernie Madoff to persuade a large number of other intelligent individuals to pay him $50 billion.

Never, ever stop thinking for yourself or relying on your gut feelings for guidance.

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