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Friday, September 3, 2021

Sex Problems And Amway Products

 Hundreds of searchers arrive at this blog after searching for terms such as "Amway sex" or "Amway sex items." Alternatively, "Double X is good for sex."

The most recent searcher is experiencing sex difficulties and believes they are related to Amway products. Alternatively, you could be looking for Amway items to solve your sex difficulties.

Allow me to summarise it in plain English:

Do you have a sexual problem?

Are you having trouble finding a date?

You're working for Amway?

The mystery has been solved!

Amway is a tremendous turn-off for me.

Come on, fellas! In Amway, you're wondering why you're not getting any of the items that you've ordered. What might that have to do with you bringing a bunch of pricey, shoddy Amway products into the house, you wonder?

If you have a woman in your life that you adore, you should be always looking for new methods to express your feelings for her, rather than looking for other things that you can love more than she is.

The jerks in the Amway upline are adamant that Amway must always be first in everything. If you're celebrating something else in your life on the same night as an Amway meeting, or if your upline calls an unscheduled obligatory meeting, it's going to be a rough night.

Women prefer a sense of security. They appreciate the fact that they have a home. They prefer to eat actual cuisine at their home. They prefer to have goods in their home that they have acquired at a reasonable price and that they truly use. They enjoy having money in the bank. They enjoy having assets to invest in.

The Amway pyramid plan does not provide any form of security. Do you own a home? If you do, your upline is likely to be envious of your success. They will "coach" you into selling your home, your security, and finding a new location to live where you are not obliged to live by someone else's set of rules. Amway upline assholes want you to sell your house and then use the proceeds to pay off the credit card debt you've accrued while purchasing Amway products and tools. This will make them appear like smart ass moneybags financial gurus who have helped ambot get out of debt, and the ambot will kiss their ass and shower them with undying worship and probably a bunch of gifts. What occurs next is that the ambot starts over from the beginning, this time using the credit card to purchase more Amway schwag. Soon enough, I was in debt again, but this time without the protection of owning a home. It is impossible to achieve financial independence while living in a rental property or working for Amway. Once $300 or more has been spent on shabby, overpriced Amway groceries with little nutritional value (Perfect Water, XS Energy Drinks, food bars, vitamins, and so on), there is no money left over to spend on actual food. Cleaning items that are overpriced? When there are superior products for lesser pricing easily available in the marketplace, this is a load of bullshit. Investments? In Amway, this is not the case. It's necessary to cash them in in order to purchase more Amway stuff. There isn't any money in the bank.

That does not sit well with women. They despise the fact that Amway is killing their lives. They despise the sight of fucking Amway items in the house, which is the source of the credit card debt, as well as the lack of money in the bank and the lack of additional money for investments. Dealing with the fucked up Amway cult leaders is a living hell on earth in terms of emotional distress. Being unable to persuade their husband to leave the terrible Amway cult is extremely aggravating and creates a great deal of rage.

Women are adamant about having absolutely nothing to do with Amway. Then there's the possibility of including their Amway-brainwashed ambot husband in the mix.

So if you're looking for an explanation on the Internet as to why Amway isn't the major sex turn on you expected it to be, I can tell you exactly why.

Choosing a fucking company over the woman you like is a bad idea. This is a bad concept.

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