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Friday, September 3, 2021

Amway Ambots Claim Amway Is Recession Proof Business

 My upline Platinum made the claim that Amway is a recession-proof business more than once, and I lost count of how many times I heard it. People still need to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom, he would say after making that assertion.

According to our sponsor, “people are running around with their heads cut off about the recession and getting laid off.” I have a recording of him saying this. He then goes on to discuss how he begins to instil anxiety in people about their jobs and how he hopes they don't put all their eggs in one basket since they will be done soon after they are hired. His fear tactics continue, with the latest statement being that he hopes they have more than one source of income since, if business is poor now before Christmas, what is going to happen after the holidays?

She's a smarmy fucking son of a bitch, to be sure.

So, what happens when a family's income is disturbed as a result of layoffs or a reduction in working hours? Do they look for methods to conserve money, or do they spend their money like crazy on high-end products?

I can't recall the exact pricing of Amway's toilet paper, but it seemed to me to be around $60 for a package that contained maybe 48 rolls. Whatever the number of rolls, it's still too many. At the grocery shop or drug store, you may get 48 of a well-known brand for $15 or $20.

That was brushed aside without a second thought. Platinum, the sack of excrement, also emphasised eating and drinking, which is something that everyone must do.

To be sure, when I want food and drink, I want it as soon as possible, not a few days later after it has been shipped to me. When it comes to fruits and veggies, I always shop at a local produce market that is open all year round. I find that they are more fresher and significantly less expensive than supermarket stores. Depending on what is in season in my area and what recipe I'm making, my shopping list may change, but I can still go to the produce store and buy a sack of potatoes, a bag of onions, a bunch of lettuce, carrots and celery and a variety of other vegetables and fruits and get change from a $20 bill (plus change for bananas, grapes, oranges, and apples).

In what varieties of fresh veggies and fruit does Amway specialise? Is it possible that there are none? ...but wait, some IBO is going to disagree with me and say that who needs fresh veggies when they can buy Nutrilite supplements instead? Yes, there is a healthy option available. Not to mention that it is a costly one. When you're hungry, snacking on an apple or a banana may help you feel a little fuller. If you take a vitamin, you'll still be hungry an hour later!

Is it true that Amway sells eggs? Hmm, would that be another "no" for the record? However, my pals at the local vegetable stand sell them for $2 per dozen at a time.

There's a warehouse bakery in the area that supplies all of the grocery stores in the neighbourhood. They have a shop on the premises of their warehouse. Years have passed and I've continued to shop there, where I've found bread and pies for half the price or less than what I'd pay at the grocery store. If I spend less than $20, I can stock my freezer for a month's worth of food, which includes gourmet grain bread, garlic bread and bagels as well as muffins, pies, cookies and hamburger buns.

What kind of bread does Amway sell, and where can I find out? It is possible that an IBO will argue that Amway sells crackers and that I should adjust my eating habits.

I'm willing to wager that crackers are far less expensive at the grocery store than they are at Amway!

After that, I went to the grocery store to finish off my shopping list. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) will attempt to persuade me that nearly every product sold at the grocery store is available through Amway. What about seafood - do you prefer it fresh or frozen? Is that anything Amway sells? Some Ambot is going to rattle off about Nutrilite with Omega 3 in the near future.

Drinks? For starters, I don't drink energy drinks, and XS is just horrible, so I wouldn't buy this at all! Perfect Water has a per-bottle pricing of $2, however it must be purchased by the case rather than individually, which costs roughly $50. I can get a 24-pack of bottled water for $2 or $3 at Wal-Mart, depending on whether or not it is on sale. In any case, I don't generally purchase bottled water. The water from our taps is excellent. I once purchased a tetra pack of Amway drink that had a chocolate flavour to it. It had a chalky taste to it. I had no idea what it was. I liked it, so Ambot bought more, which arrived after the expiration date had already gone, so I couldn't drink them because they were expired. Amway maintains extremely high standards of quality control. Your commissioned salesforce is being ripped off by a bunch of suckers. Amway, you are a jerk!

Whether there is a recession or not, people enjoy getting a good deal, and they will shop where they can get a good deal and get their money's worth. When money is tight, some people would even compromise on quality in order to save money. It is possible for me to stock my refrigerator, freezer, and cupboards with nutritious foods to last for a month for less than $300, which is the bare minimum that Ambots must spend each month in order to qualify for a payment of less than $10. That $300 worth of PV isn't allowing me to put hot, tasty, and healthy dinners on the table every night. Not to mention the ice cream for dessert, which Amway is unable to provide me with.

When it comes to Amway, Ambots can boast as much as they want that the company is recession-proof, but can you find clients or sign up new prospects when money is tight?

Whether Amway is a recession-proof business is controversial - it all depends on whether or not you're an independent business owner! Selling to clients who have been affected by the recession and are monitoring their pennies, on the other hand, is a difficult sell. What is the point of putting pressure on these people? They are already experiencing financial difficulties, so why force them to embark on a venture with a 99 percent failure rate?

That's right, it's a good time to send out another big giant FUCK YOU to Amway and the fucking idiots that work for them as commissioned sales representatives.

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