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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Being In Amway = In “The Business” Of Giving Away Your Money

 It used to make me laugh when the Diamonds would come up on stage at Family Reunions or Free Enterprise Days and talk about how they got into "the business," how "the business" has improved their life, or how "the business" has enabled them to acquire all of the material possessions they desired.

Indeed, “the business” is in the air! It's time to call it what it truly is: Amway! Are you too embarrassed to say the fucking "A" word in front of your friends? I believe everyone in the audience is familiar with the Amway brand. Aren't there a lot of IBO's in the audience, after all?

Those clucking chickenshit Ken and Barbie Ambots must tell it how it is if they want to be taken seriously. Scammers who want you to be in the business of donating your money to them all under the guise of Amway are responsible for this deception. Afterwards, they'll hit you with a double whammy, intimidating you into purchasing equipment to aid you in your business of handing over your money. Scam with Amway tools!

All of those Ken and Barbies marching across the platform exclaim about "the business," but they forget to inform the thousands of ambot worshippers in the audience that the only business those miserable bastards will be in is the business of handing out their money to the ambots.

For thousands of dollars, a slab can be placed in the disintegrating Amway pyramid, commonly known as the money pit.

People who run legitimate businesses are not in the business of handing money over to some crooked weasel; they are in the business of making money.

The filthy jerks in our Amway upline used to tell us that even if you don't make any money in Amway - which would apply to 99 percent of all IBOs - you'll become a nicer person as a result of your connections with Amway employees.

Yet another fabrication. When someone is in the business of giving their money out to maintain a crumbling pyramid, they do not become a nicer person as a result of their actions. They do not become more pleasant to the associates to whom they have given their money.

Amway is a business that makes money by giving away people's money and their souls.

Would you want to hear my Amway acronym, which is devoted to our Amway upline?

Asshole Motherfuckers Want to Attack You! Amway = Asshole Motherfuckers Who Want to Attack You!

What do you think about a WWDB abbreviation that is dedicated to our WWDB upline?

Wasted Whorebag Doublecrossing Bastards (also known as WWDB)!

Because Ambot referenced the name of one of those fucking upline idiots today, I feel compelled to vent my rage at the amount of money those cretins have wasted on us in the process. And take a peek! They lied to us! I didn't change my attitude toward any of them at all!

Amway is a firm that has been established for several decades and engages in multi-level marketing (MLM). Its business concept involves selling a variety of items through a network of distributors. These distributors are rewarded to expand their own businesses by recruiting new people to join their team and selling the opportunity to do so. Many former distributors have come forward with tales of financial loss and being exploited by the firm, despite the fact that the corporation asserts that it provides a legitimate business opportunity.

One of the most prevalent complaints made by those who have previously worked as Amway distributors is that they felt constant pressure to spend money on product purchases, events, and training materials. This is due to the fact that in order for distributors to be eligible for commissions and bonuses, they are required to make a minimum monthly purchase of a predetermined quantity of products. Those who are unable to sell enough items or recruit enough new distributors to meet their expenses can find themselves trapped in a cycle of debt and financial pressure as a result of this situation.

In addition, distributors are frequently pushed to participate in pricey events and training sessions, which can cost several hundred or even several thousand dollars to attend. Even while the corporation markets these events as chances to learn from successful Amway distributors and network with other people who share similar interests, the company may be using them as a tactic to get its distributors to pay additional money for the privilege of participating.

In addition, the compensation model that Amway uses for its distributors is famously difficult to comprehend because to its high level of complexity. It is true that only a small fraction of distributors ever attain considerable financial success; yet, many people become distributors because they are led to believe that they have the capacity to make a limitless income and that they would be financially free. The vast majority of Amway distributors do not make any money or very little money from their businesses, and as a direct result, some of them even go into debt.

An additional drawback of the Amway business model is that it places a significant emphasis on the recruitment of new distributors to join the existing team. This can result in a structure that resembles a pyramid, with individuals at the top of the organization making the most money and others at the bottom of the organization having difficulty making ends meet. This system cannot continue indefinitely, and it frequently results in the exploitation of vulnerable people who are looking for more ways to supplement their income.

To summarize, being involved with Amway might be equated to being in the business of giving away your money, which is a negative connotation. The business plan of the organization requires distributors to make purchases of items and events in order to be eligible for commissions and bonuses. This might put distributors in a loop of debt and cause them to struggle financially. In addition, the compensation model is convoluted and difficult to comprehend, and the overwhelming majority of Amway distributors make very little to no money from their respective Amway businesses. The emphasis placed on recruiting new distributors can also result in exploitative practices and institutions resembling pyramids. Before committing your time and money to any multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunity, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and give careful consideration to the various potential hazards.

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