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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Uncle Ambot Asshole

 The fact that Ambot met a couple at a common friend's house, and the wife's uncle used to be an Amway Diamond, was an interesting nugget. I believe Ambot may have told me about them, but I had forgotten about them until we ran into the husband at a mutual friend's house lately. We were just getting ready to go when he came, but we struck up a little conversation with him and quickly realised that this guy knew a thing or two about Amway, and it wasn't good. We were heading home when Ambot informed me that he had previously run across the man and his wife and had learned of their storey. I was shocked. Basically, they despise Amway and the sorrow and devastation it has inflicted onto her father and their entire family.

Uncle Asshole, like the majority of Diamonds, did not linger too long on his precarious perch atop the falling Amway pyramid because Uncle Asshole is no longer a Diamond. It is uncertain whether or not he is still involved with Amway, though many assume he is. They also do not know what level on the pyramid he is currently occupying because Uncle Asshole is no longer actively organising meetings and wrecking other people's lives as he used to.

Uncle Asshole persuaded his brother, who happened to be this fellow's father-in-law, into the Amway business. Obviously, this was back in the 1990s, because he said his father-in-law was able to reach the level of direct seller (or whatever it was called back then) that is now referred to as Platinum.

Nothing good can ever come out of Amway, and the two families have been alienated ever since those sad days in the 1970s. There are a lot of negative feelings. There is no doubt that they are well aware of the tool scam and how tiny the chances are of reaching a level in Amway where you may earn money. The son-in-law claimed that Uncle Asshole called his brother a loser and told him that he would be broke for the rest of his life, among other things. I'm sure Uncle Asshole bullied his brother because the son-in-law claimed that Uncle Asshole called his brother a loser and told him that he would be broke for the rest of his life, among other things. In addition to causing them money losses and mental suffering, Uncle Asshole is also responsible for tearing apart the family.

The brothers, according to their son-in-law, were chasing an unachievable goal. Uncle Asshole spent a significant amount of time chastising and tormenting his downline to keep them from quitting. It's likely that his father-in-law spent many hours each week persuading the cult members in his downline to stay. The majority of the time, when one individual goes, others follow suit. It's a decaying pyramid, to put it mildly. Over time, people grow tired of being chastised on a consistent basis. After all, they are of legal age. There is no other place where a legitimate business owner is required to report to someone else and be reprimanded.

So there you have it. I've now met someone who is closely connected to a former Amway Diamond, which was a pleasant surprise. And he doesn't have a good word to say about Amway.

Surprise, surprise.

I don't believe it either.

Amway is a torture chamber, and spending time there is like being tortured.

When you're an Amway Independent Business Owner, it's always wonderful to know what other people think of you.






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