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Thursday, September 2, 2021

How To Earn An Extra $200 A Month

 In addition, the title of this topic may be "More Bullshit Our Emerald Told Us." I discovered a cheat sheet that Ambot utilised while attending an Amway meeting hosted by the jerk Emerald. That cheat sheet was tucked away in one of my notebooks, which I had dug up from the bottom of my nightstand.

Ambot jotted down a time on this cheat sheet and then jotted down something about what was being stated at that particular moment. Aha! That's it! In my mind, I connected the dots and realised he had filmed this meeting. Yes, it had been downloaded onto the computer system. Instead of deleting those files, I'm thinking they might be beneficial to someone in the future when the shit truly hits the Amway fan and some media outlet is looking for sources on the lies that have been taught to us about the company.

As a result, I press the play button, which moves the clock forward to the moment Ambot had noticed. I want to make certain that the information I provide about the garbage I was subjected to is correct. The IBOFB or some other Amway motherfucker showing up and claiming I'm making it all up is unacceptable!

It was approximately once a month that we got to see the Emerald, who was giving a board plan meeting at the home of some affluent Platinum. Because our Platinum is not always available, we may have had to drive an hour or two to get to this extremely crucial meeting. Like a piece of trash! The fucking board plan has been heard a fucking million times, and it has been heard a fucking million times! Jesus! There's nothing quite like getting on my nerves.

I had very little touch with the Emerald during my time there. He doesn't know who I am if he saw me through a hole in the wall. Not one of those ambots that gathered around him as soon as he finished talking is one of my characteristics. I'm thinking, let's just get out of here as soon as possible! He never personally interjected himself into our lives or caused me any emotional hardship in any way. What I don't know is if this indicates that he has an IBO who does not believe in downline abuse, or whether he has just allowed Platinum to do the dirty work for him. He does not irritate me in the same way that the Platinum does. He presents himself as a placid, decent individual - all the better to brainwash you into submission. He doesn't put on a show. There will be no rants.

After about an hour of discussion, he inquires as to how you earn an additional $200 per month. Answer: There are four clients who each spend $150 each month on Amway goods.

Just a little background information. He had just indicated that you would make between 20 and 40 percent commission on every Amway product you sell, and that for every $100 in sales, you would receive approximately $35 in compensation.

Okay, let's get back to those four hypothetical consumers who each spent $150 per month, for a total of $600 in sales. As a result, the commission would be around $200 each month.

The IBO must purchase around $300 in Amway products in order to meet the required 100 PV in order to be eligible for a bonus check in the amount of approximately $10.

Due to the fact that it is easier for me to do the math in even numbers, I will forego the tenth place altogether. IBO pays $300 in order to meet the very minimum of PV standards. Using the best-case scenario, Amway will collect $200 in commissions from those four morons who each spent $150 on Amway dreck. IBO invests $300 in order to gain $200. IBO has not generated any revenue. IBO has a $100 hole in his pocket.

In terms of Amway losses, this isn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. Most independent business owners (IBOs) do not have customers and receive just a $10 commission on their own purchases, resulting in a substantially bigger loss. Not to mention the additional costs of purchasing tools, petrol to travel to meetings, and entry to various Amway events, to name a few.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find four customers? Let alone four consumers who will spend $150/month in costly Amway stuff on a consistent basis?

Swimming from Alcatraz to Fisherman's Wharf would be much more convenient for me!

It will get better. Following this statement is another one from the asshole Emerald who claims that “if you can't find four clients it isn't because you aren't good, it is because you didn't try.”

It's the same old blaming the IBO for their lack of success that they've always done. The upline has to come up with these weak asses arguments to rationalise why the IBO isn't making money in a system that is set up to fail in the first place.

Didn't even bother to try? The question is how many potential customers turn down Amway items because they are too expensive and/or because they are substandard.

It is not for a want of trying that this is the case. It's due to a shortage of clients who aren't interested in being taken advantage of.

As a result, what do I have to say to all of the Amway Emeralds that are out in the world?

You're a jerk!

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