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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Legend Of Bad Harry

 A terrible guy showed up in town one day. Let's call him Bad Harry, because he's a snake oil salesman who wants to get your money.

Bad Harry was on the lookout for astute businesspeople who would be willing to purchase his extremely costly snake oil, ingest it, and then recruit others to do the same. Finding 6 people starts with you, and then they find 6 people, and so on until you have found a total of 24 individuals.

Bad Harry referred to it as duplication. Those who disagree with the notion might refer to it as an immediate crowd - if the hypothesis were to truly work. The adoring public, on the other hand, only saw what was written on paper.

It was critical to recruit more individuals into your downline, which Bad Harry referred to as the "downline," so that you could profit from their sales of snake oil. You'd make money as long as you had people working for you, regardless of your position. Everyone would become extremely wealthy!

The scheme was designed as a pyramid scheme. It was critical for the downline to attempt to rush to the top of the pyramid in order to succeed.

They were able to accomplish this by spending a lot of money on snake oil.

Little did the downline comprehend that the only thing they were accomplishing was assisting Bad Harry in his quest for wealth.

It was extremely difficult for them to claw their way up the ladder.

Bad Harry kept brainwashing them with the notion that the further up the pyramid you go, the more money you make. They eventually succumbed to his influence.

However, there were significant sacrifices to be made along the way. You were had to spend a significant amount of money in order to purchase snake oil from Bad Harry's company, despite the fact that other companies sell snake oil for a significantly lower price.

The effort to sell snake oil and to get others to attend meetings and sign up to sell snake oil took a significant amount of time and effort each week. It became quite evident that the downline was barely making cents an hour on the job site.

And the vast majority of the time, they made absolutely nothing. They almost always lost more money than they gained in the process.

Harry advised his downline that they needed to invest in tools because this would put them on the way to selling more snake oil and being wealthy.

It was necessary for the downline to spend so much time with Bad Harry studying how to sell snake oil and how to sign up other individuals to sell snake oil that they were forced to miss family gatherings and birthday parties.

Bad Harry assured them that they had nothing to be concerned about because the other snake oil comrades will soon become their new family.

If the downline thought it was difficult scrambling up the pyramid, they soon discovered that living inside a pyramid is considerably more challenging.

By this point, the only thing that consumed their minds was getting out of the pyramid and away from the cult that was ruining their lives.

This is especially true when they looked out the pyramid windows and watched everyone else enjoying their free time with their families, travelling on holidays, and generally having a good time with themselves.

Someone, at long last, discovered the truth. Even if they were able to attract a small number of consumers to purchase snake oil, these customers would ultimately migrate to another store where they could purchase the snake oil for a much lower price. The unfortunate reality was that clients were difficult to come by and even more difficult to retain. Then they discovered that the snake oil they were selling was only a fraction of the price they were charging for it. Someone was getting rich, and it wasn't the people in the bottom tier.

It was Bad Harry who did it! He'd lied to them about the reason why the snake oil was so expensive: it was because it was of significantly greater quality than the competition. However, snake oil is just that: snake oil. People will go toward locations where they can get a better price. Because they couldn't find any clients and couldn't sign up any new snake oil salesmen, the downline snake oil salespersons were planning on quitting as well.

What about those ineffective instruments? Motivational CDs were distributed to the downline, encouraging them to never give up, and they were all winners. People have read the novels that claim that one day someone was digging a ditch, and the next day they were a rich snake oil salesmen. What about those onstage speakers who claimed that everybody who didn't buy snake oil was a loser and that they were all losers? Those same speakers who claimed that everyone who gave up did so because they didn't put in enough effort. They'd been brainwashed, it was true! Furthermore, many of them had spent their life savings, gone on credit card debt to purchase snake oil, lost their homes to foreclosure, declared bankruptcy, their marriages had ended in divorce, and their families had been utterly devastatered.

All in the name of pricey snake oil, of course!

It took a while for the realisation to sink in. Bad Harry was a thief, to say the least!

Even worse than a thief is a liar. Bad Harry was the leader of a cult!

Bad Harry must be apprehended and put to death before he can cause any more devastation.

Make a target out of Bad Harry in the exact spot where everyone wants to shoot him!

They threw Bad Harry's body down a well and filled it with concrete in order to ensure that no one would ever come across him.

Bad Harry, rest in peace. NOT!!!!

At long last, it's over.

Sure enough, this is what one can come up with after a few too many pia coladas!

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