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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Another Lost Relationship Thanks To Amway

 Amway has been the source of many horror stories for readers.

My dearest friend of ten years is a member of the ambots. She is privately seeing a guy who works for Amway, and she tells us she doesn't want their relationship to be publicised on social media because they don't want to mix business with their personal lives. After a month, she informed us that she did not believe Amway was the right fit for her. We were relieved. The next time we saw her, she informed us that she had returned to Amway and that her "passions had been rekindled." As a friend, I wanted to contribute to her happiness, but I was also aware that if I expressed any concern, she would interpret it as me being a "negative" person.

In a matter of months, I witnessed my best friend give up her videography business, Bible study with us for Amway's "church services," working with a financial advisor for retirement because "Amway has a better financial plan," a European trip she'd been planning for MONTHS because she "didn't have time to travel," and our friendship in exchange for Amway's "church services" and a better financial plan.

My best friend texted me at 7:40 p.m. the night before to ask what I was doing the next day from 7:40-9:00 p.m. When I informed her that I was available, she manipulated me into attending an Amway event, claiming that I would benefit from hearing it and that it would be extremely meaningful to her. I responded by saying that I adore and support her, but that I was not interested in joining Amway. She was upset and ignored me, and when I inquired as to whether she had seen my prior text to chat, she responded that she didn't need to explain herself and that she would be busy in the next weeks, so we wouldn't be able to see each other.

My instinct told me that I needed to express worry since a decent friend would do so at this point. Even if it meant that it would backfire. We finally met up, and after a few minutes of small talk, I stated, "I believe this warranted further discussion, and so I wanted to share with you why I denied your invitation to your Amway event." I told her about my grandfather's involvement with Amway, which was a major factor in his and his wife's divorce. They were raising five children, and he was losing money in Amway at the same time. I also informed her that I had done extensive research on Amway and had come to the conclusion based on those two factors that it was not for me; nevertheless, this does not imply that I do not support her and her happiness. She was a little taken aback. She made a comparison between me and one of her other friends, claiming that the other buddy would attend a meeting if she asked him to. She stated that she wanted me to accompany her so that I could better understand where her priorities were and so that I could "understand why we wouldn't see each other that much."

It was she who told me that I "simply needed to attend the meetings in order to understand why I wasn't a priority." I responded by telling her that if someone inquired about my business, my religious beliefs, or anything else, I could explain it to them in ways that they could comprehend. "When I achieve my goal, I plan to take my friends and family on exotic holidays all around the world!" she exclaimed. "So all of your friends and family members who aren't significant in your life are suddenly going to accompany you on vacation?" I inquired.

I told her that I missed her and that I felt as if I was losing my best friend (I'm sobbing as I tell her this at this point). I inquired as to what she received from Amway that she was not receiving from our friendship. She mentioned being around successful people, and when I asked her what success meant to her, she replied that it meant following her hobbies. I inquired as to whether she believed I did not obey her rules (because I do). I inquired as to whether she believed I had been unsuccessful.

I inquired as to whether she was aware of how upsetting it had been to be pencilled in and pushed to the side. She became defensive and exclaimed, "I'm done with this!" & walked away. When I told her, she replied, "You will always be my best friend, and you will always have my support." We haven't spoken to each other since.

People who are not affiliated with Amway are isolated. It is Amway's policy to encourage its independent business owners (IBOs) to cut ties with anyone who is "negative" (i.e., anyone who isn't in Amway). Amway claims that those "negative people are close-minded," when in fact Amway is close-minded to anyone who does not believe in "their way to success." If you aren't generating income for your upline, Amway couldn't give a rat's behind about you. While Amway positively rewards those who are selling and those who are maintaining active by purchasing or selling products, they will intimidate and manipulate you if you are slacking (i.e. missing meetings/conferences or not hitting sales targets).

To my best buddy who is currently employed by Amway: I am aware that my best friend is still employed by Amway, and I am enraged that Amway has brainwashed you. I am deeply upset by this, but I will welcome you with open arms if Amway does not turn out to be the success that was promised to you.

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