Search Amway Leaders

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Tell The Amway Cult To Fuck Off!

 The pattern of search hits that this site receives is a little concerning:

"Should I kick my Amway ambot out of the house?" says the narrator.

The question is, "What happens when husbands and wives disagree on Amway?"

“Can you tell me how you persuade someone to leave Amway?”

“My boyfriend has requested that I accompany him to Amway meetings.”

“Amway ruined my marriage,” says the author.

“How to deprogram an Amway ambot” is the title of this article.

What is the best way to get unprogrammed from Amway?

“How to get out of Amway”

The searcher in this case - and I'll go out on a limb and guess that it's a woman - has reached the end of their rope in terms of putting up with the Amway nonsense and being abused by the assholes in their Amway upline and is looking for advice on how to deal with their relationship crumbling as a result of the interfering upline on the Internet. Seeing your husband spend all of your money on the great Amway cult is an awful position to be in, especially when you are powerless to stop him because some upline cult leader has forced him into purchasing more shoddy Amway products that they can't afford is even worse. So, how did a fucking Amway jerk manage to dig his claws into your husband's heart and get such complete control over him?


Each day, we receive a large number of requests for information on how to leave Amway, with a particularly high concentration around the midway point between major functions. The Ambots are taken away to a large function, complete with rah rah and motivating speeches from the Ken and Barbies, who are shoving each other across the stage as they speak. When the ambot returns home after these motivational rallies, he or she is pumped and ready to figure out how to make their business boom. Unfortunately, the only thing that is exploding in their lives is their rapidly depleting bank account and increasing credit card debt. After a few days or weeks of failing to persuade any new recruits to attend Amway meetings or finding new clients to purchase Amway products, the ambot's excitement begins to wane and he or she begins to lose interest in the business. In other words, they aren't making any money; after all, the main point of running your own company is to make money. Because they are not attending meetings or making purchases from Amway, their cult leaders may notice that the ambot is not showing up and persuade them that they should not resign now, when success is only around the corner. Some ambots manage to hold on for a few more weeks and make it to the next important function, where they regain their motivation and the sick cycle begins again.

The wife, meanwhile - and for the purposes of this discussion, I will refer to the above searches as being done by the woman because I can provide that point of view - is feeling hopeful that the end is near because the husband has lost interest in the situation.

I noticed things about Ambot that indicated he was now realising that he'd been deceived about the possibility of being wealthy through Amway. Because I'd previously gone down the Amway road to hell, I assumed it was a sign of his awakening. He decided to discontinue his subscriptions to Communikate as well as the World Wide Dream Builders elite membership. He has discontinued the purchase of CDs and books. He decided to quit attending meetings.

This took longer than I wanted us to spend in Amway hell, which was disappointing. At that point, I could have typed any of the above Google searches about Amway destroying marriages, how to deprogram an ambot from the Amway cult, or how to kick the ambot out of the house. Instead, I sent a letter to the Amway cult.

But what I didn't realise at the time was that my Ambot was fed up with being bullied by the sack of shit Platinum and being instructed to quit loving me and instead give his love to the assholes in the Amway upline, as well as simply being mocked to death by those sickos. And as Ambot became increasingly aware of the pure depravity of the Amway upline, and how they were hellbent on destroying our relationship in order to get their hands on our money, there were other problems.

As a result, Ambot was letting go of those cretins. A setback occurred when he received a phone call from some upline asshole telling him that he needed to purchase at least 100 PV of Amway items in order for some other upline asshole to meet their monthly targets. Damn it, he went ahead and spent another $500 on his credit card, spending it on pointless, shoddy Amway things that we won't use. Then the same jerk calls him back and badgers him into attending the next important event.

“Too bad,” Ambot says to the motherfucking Amway upline guy, who shrugs his shoulders. “I spent all of my money on those pricey, shoddy Amway items so that those idiots might accomplish their goals for the month of September. The Amway functions are no longer possible because there is no money left.”

The last time Ambot purchased anything from Amway was in that particular instance. Yay!

Despite the fact that it was not the first or last time the upline bastards called or contacted him, the calls and texts were becoming less frequent. In light of his failure to attend a key function, he was placed on the shit list, and the punishment was to be shunned by the sack of shit Platinum until he returned to the Amway cult pleading for forgiveness.

That didn't happen.

As a result, I'm going to send another big old fuck you to our Platinum. You've lost your grasp, you jerk! And it was long overdue, too!

Oh, why should we stop there? Let's send out a resounding FUCK YOU to every Amway jerk on the planet!

All of you Amway whorebags are a sham!

In this part of Breaking the Chains, we will investigate the allegations made against Amway and encourage critical thinking.

Since its inception, the Amway Corporation, a multi-national direct-selling firm, has been at the center of much discussion and contention. It has been referred to as a cult due to the allegations that it engages in deceptive techniques, while its proponents say that it should be recognized as a legitimate business opportunity. In this piece, we will investigate the claims made against Amway and advise readers to adopt a sophisticated and analytical perspective when attempting to comprehend the business.

Amway: A Better Understanding

Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel laid the groundwork in 1959 for what would later become known as Amway, which is an abbreviation for the American Way. The business strategy utilized by this organization is known as direct selling, and it is dependent on independent business owners (IBOs) to market and sell its products, which include both personal and household care items.

Allegations of Practices Resembling Those of a Cult

Critics of Amway have likened the corporation to a cult, pointing to a number of aspects of the business that they believe warrant concern. Among these are the alleged development of a fanatical mindset among its members, the use of high-pressure techniques, the isolating of members from their friends and families, and the prioritization of recruiting above the selling of products. On the other hand, it is essential to treat these charges with caution and to investigate them in an objective manner.

Recruitment vs. Product Sales:

The contention that Amway places a greater emphasis on the recruitment of new members than it does on actual product sales is a common criticism leveled against the firm. Some people believe that doing so results in the formation of an organization that is similar to a pyramid scheme, in which the primary focus is on increasing the number of participants rather than on increasing money through the sale of items. Although it is true that Amway offers incentives for recruitment, they also have a large variety of products that may be purchased by customers who are not affiliated with the company in any way. Therefore, it is quite important to think about the argument from both points of view.

Strategies Based on High Pressure:

Another allegation that can be made against Amway pertains to the business's alleged use of high-pressure sales techniques to convince individuals to become part of the organization or buy its wares. Some former members have stated that they experienced feelings of manipulation or coercion when they were encouraged to participate in the business. While it is critical to give these testimonies the serious attention they deserve, it is also important to keep in mind that not all experiences are the same. Within the company, it's possible that some individuals had unfavorable contacts, while others had positive experiences.

Isolation and an Overly Enthusiastic Attitude:

Amway members are frequently said to feel isolated and to acquire zealous mindsets, two issues that are frequently brought up by critics. They contend that the corporation pushes its independent business owners to separate themselves from family and friends who have doubts about the business and instead concentrate on developing relationships within the organization. Additionally, the elaborate training programs and motivating events that Amway provides have a reputation for being deceptive and are thought to be developed with the intention of fostering loyalty to the corporation. Nevertheless, it is essential to keep in mind that the aforementioned procedures are not exclusive to Amway and can be discovered in other firms as well.

Fostering Analytical and Critical Thinking:

When analyzing Amway, it is more effective to encourage critical thinking and a balanced approach rather than simply labeling the corporation a cult outright. People who are thinking about becoming members of Amway or making purchases from the corporation absolutely must do extensive study on the organization, its offerings, and the experiences of both current and former members. It is possible for prospective IBOs to improve their decision-making skills by having open conversations with one another and by gathering multiple points of view.

The accusations made against Amway, as well as the organization's status as being compared to a cult, are convoluted and controversial. It is essential to approach the subject matter with objectivity and a dedication to critical thinking, despite the fact that there are valid concerns that ought not to be disregarded. Individuals are able to make educated decisions about their involvement with Amway or any other organization that is analogous to it if they foster an environment that promotes open debate, in-depth research, and the consideration of many points of view. It is important to keep in mind that designating something as a cult should not be done flippantly because this designation bears serious ramifications and calls for an in-depth analysis of the facts.

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