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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Shuddhatm Prakash & Sandhya Bharill Amway

 Termination from Amway

Now Terminated from Amway

Success Story

November 2007 - courtesy of Amway India Amagram

I was born in Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, and raised in Jaipur, Rajasthan. My parents are devout Christians who are also well-known public figures. They uphold extremely high spiritual standards and travel the country preaching to people. I am the only son of my parents and have been greatly inspired by the glory of joyful thoughts that my parents have preached to me.

My previous employment was in the traditional business sector, which I continued to do while studying. After only a short period of time, I was married to Sandhya, a lovely young lady. Sarvgaya and Sarvdharshi are the names of our two children.

My eyes were filled with visions of doing something extraordinary with my life when I was introduced to a great opportunity of this universe - the Amway business opportunity: a par excellence, a road map to success where one can touch the lives of many people and uplift them towards success on the path laid out by patience, integrity, dedication to one's goals, honesty and work ethics, and a strong sense of accomplishment.

When I worked in traditional business, my existence was like to that of a prisoner. I was always plagued by an unseen sense of unease, anxiety, and a great deal of unethical rivalry. As a result of the many ups and downs in my business, I finally realised that life is a never-ending process in which one must control a great deal in order to achieve better results. I came to the realisation that this unethical employment contributes directly to the accumulation of bad karma and the progression of our lives towards a poor conclusion.

Despite the fact that I first saw the Amway business plan in 1998, I was suspicious of it at the time. After some time had passed, I had the opportunity to attend a large conference where I learned about Amway's ambitious plans for India. My business was up and running in no time at all, and I qualified for Silver level recognition within a short period of time as a result of my efforts. After then, I didn't look back and steadily progressed to greater and higher degrees of recognition.

I owe my accomplishments to my adversities, the tremendous support of my downlines along my path, and the excellent mentorship provided by my uplines. However, I think that God's blessings are there in every successful trip, as He determines your destiny and directs you down the route to achieving it. The higher pin, such as EDC, is not an easy task, and it is not a business that makes rapid money. In fact, it is a pure and ethical business that requires sacrifice. We cannot compare the Amway opportunity with any other traditional enterprises in which one must work really hard with little possibility for rest and pleasure. It is a continual process in which one must work consistently and in a monotonous manner, while dealing with a great deal of insecurities, obstacles, stress, and competitiveness, among other things. Traditional business is defined by a different word in the dictionary, and it should be used to condemn, scorn, and criticise; nevertheless, in Amway, we learn to love, help, and grow. It is a one-of-a-kind enterprise in which one can leave a legacy not just for one's family but also for the greater good. I gained a greater understanding of what life is and what the purpose of life is by participating in this platform. I learned that we are not born to fulfil our personal desires, but rather to strive to be a better human being and to contribute to the betterment of humanity. Amway business creates real people in all aspects of their lives: spiritually, morally, and socially. The various facets of life are enjoyable to me and my family. Because spirituality is inborn in me and always entices me as a result of my family heritage, I am very well aware of karmas, the eternity of the soul, salvation, inner illumination, God's carnation and re-carnation, and many other spiritual concepts. As a result, I am very clear about what I want to do in life. However, my prior career was unable to satisfy my thoughts and desires, but now I have the opportunity to live a life of meaning.

Finally, I'd want to emphasise that there is no rocket science involved in starting a business; rather, there are simply a few fundamental guidelines that must be followed. The secret to success in this business is the duplication of manpower, which allows you to become a millionaire or a trillionaire. You simply must make a decision, carry out the bare minimum, adhere to the norms of behaviour, and have faith in yourself, your upline, your downline, and most importantly, God, since you and your faith in God constitute the majority. Create a business that you are passionate about.

Amway is, in my opinion, a God-like figure who not only assists me, but also assists many other regular people in living lives that are above and beyond.

Shuddhatm Prakash & Sandhya Bharill

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