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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Cohen, Jose & Leity Amway


November 2004


  • Diamond (2008)
  • Founders Diamond (2011)
  • Executive Diamond (2011)
  • Double Diamond (2013)

Downline Diamonds

  • Cohen, Jose & Leity, Double Diamond 2013, United States
  • Millán, Damián & Zaily, Diamond 2011, United States
  • Gomez, Pavel & Martinez, Lily, Diamond 2011, United States
  • Hernandez, Robert & Juanita, Diamond 2011, United States
  • Cáceres, Matías & Aymara, Executive Diamond 2013, United States
  • Valencia, Aramis y Ligia, Diamond 2013, United States
  • Martin, Barbaro, Diamond 2014, United States
  • Fernandez, Luis y Yanaivis, Diamond 2014, United States
  • Fernandez, Jehan y Yenisleidys, Diamond 2014, United States
  • Martin, Yudit & Reinel, Diamond 2013, United States
  • Lorena & Diego Reyes, Diamond, Venezuela 2015
  • Rivas, Santos & Yoladie, Founders Diamond, Venezuela 2014
  • Guzmán, Vladimir & Pérez, Yesmir, Diamond, Venezuela 2014
  • Rivas, Santos Jr Diamond, Venezuela 2017


Leity and José Cohen


When the dream comes true - JJosé (Pepe) Cohen heard about Amway for the first time at the laundromat. Pepe Cohen heard about AMWAY ™ for the first time in the laundry room. He was doing the laundry when the manager - who was also his friend - asked him questions about what he was doing. He also asked if he wanted to see a business opportunity.

Pepe remembers that he thought: "This seems like he is going to need money or business knowledge and I have neither."

"You don't lose anything by seeing it" - his friend replied. After considering his friend's proposal, Pepe went into the business.

Commitment to family and business Although Pepe had been in the business for some time, it wasn't until Leity became pregnant that Pepe felt the urge to develop it. She remembers the conviction in her voice when they talked about building her business so she could stay home with the kids. "We are going to do it seriously, or we will die trying."

In hindsight, Pepe says it was an important decision for his growing family. “The truth is, even though we didn't know it at the time, Amway is the best for us. Not only because we are in charge of our own hours and finances, but because of the values ​​on which the corporation and the friendships we have forged around the world were built. "

When Pepe talks about the business, he emphasizes Amway's core values ​​of Freedom, Family, Hope, and Reward to help people get a more complete picture of the Amway culture. It leaves no doubt about becoming part of this great family.

Without goals we have nothing. So dreams come first, your purpose. Then come the goals and the work you have to do to achieve them. - Pepe

The dream is what comes first For Pepe, the importance of a dream lies in what the dream gives to a person. “Having dreams motivates all of us to set goals. If we don't have dreams, we have no purpose. And if we don't have goals, we don't have anything. So dreams come first, your purpose. Then come the goals and the work you have to do to achieve them ”.

Pepe cautions IBOs against placing too much importance on big dreams and losing sight of the daily work that has to be done to achieve them. "We know that having dreams is the vital element to staying motivated: But what keeps you on track is doing that day-to-day job."

Pepe and Leity rely on their daily “to do” list to stay focused on what is truly important - their five children, Yanelis, 26, Yamila, 24, Isaac, 19, Amanda, 5, and Kevin. , 4 - and to keep moving forward.

One step closer to the next goal One of the things that Pepe and Leity want to mark as “done” on their to-do list is to become Ambassador Corona; They understand that it is a process and that dedication and commitment are required to achieve that goal. At first, their determination and enthusiasm made up for the knowledge they were to acquire. Now their experience, method, mindset, and confidence guide them as their business continues to mature.

What happened to us is that as we began to grow internally, we also began to feel more secure. By concentrating more on our business, on the next level, the next goal, we naturally feel more prepared. And that assurance made us more credible and capable mentors. - Leity

According to Leity, every day something new seems to fall into place: What happened to us is that as we grew internally, we also felt more and more secure. As we focus more on expanding our business, on achieving the next level, the next goal, we naturally feel better prepared. Having that assurance made us more credible and capable mentors. "

Pepe and Leity are looking for visionary, talented and hardworking people to join their team. They say that their faith in their team's abilities has given them enormous confidence and a vision for a successful future.

Pepe proudly declares: “We have a fascinating team. . They are wonderful people, so we knew it was only a matter of time. When we say that things are going to happen, we are sure, because the team is there to achieve it ”.

Because of the trust they share with their team, Pepe and Leity anticipate and plan for their future growth. “It is simply about building the network to develop the business - says Pepe -, in the first month that we qualified for Executive Diamond, we knew that we would qualify the rest of the months. We knew with certainty: It was not a miracle, but a reality ”.

“Thinking at a level like Executive Diamond can be very abstract. The reality is that when you really see how it works, that's when it becomes clear. The result of all our experience gives us the confidence of
Cohen, Jose & Leity

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