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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Flanary, Bruce & Betty Amway


January 1976


  • Ruby June 1977
  • Sapphire October 1978
  • Emerald March 1980
  • Diamond August 1981

Success Story

In January 1976, I was working as a math teacher at a local high school, as well as coaching and driving a school bus. Betty, my wife, was working as a teacher at an elementary school.

That's when we first came across a sales and marketing strategy. During the first ten months of operation, our company experienced a slow start. As soon as we saw how much independence was attainable through this business, we made a significant amount of commitment. The following night, we were shown slides of another school teacher's retirement from teaching, and our lives have never been the same since.

Teaching and extra work during the summer had not provided us with the opportunities we desired in life. We were well aware that we had no choice but to expand our company. We began qualifying for Platinum in April of 1977, and we received our Ruby designation in June of that year.

Our first step toward reaching the Sapphire level was a church campaign in Scotland in August 1978, during which we met a minister and his wife (Jack and Maureen Strachan, who are now with Britt Diamonds in Europe), and we attained the Sapphire level in October of that year. Emerald was released in March 1980, while Diamond was released in August 1981.

Profits have been enormous as a result of this endeavour. Swimming pool of Olympic size was our family's Diamond aspiration, which we now have and enjoy. We would never have been able to afford the automobiles, furs, jewellery, travel, and lifestyle we have today if we had not been teachers. We discovered that by starting our own business, our aspirations were able to grow. We began to fantasise about things other than monetary compensation. We wished to see others achieve their goals and fulfil their potential.

The fact that we now have complete personal and financial independence has been a fantastic reward. One of our greatest pleasures has been getting to know and participate in the lives of our children, Michele, Nicole, and Brett. We want them to be exposed to the types of people who help grow this company and serve as role models for the rest of us.
Flanary, Bruce & Betty

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