- Diamond (2012)
- Founders Diamond (2012)
- Executive Diamond (2013)
Downline Diamonds
- Martin, Yudit & Reinel, Diamond (2013), United States
- Valencia, Aramis y Ligia, Diamond (2013), United States
- Martin, Barbaro, Diamond (2014), United States
- Fernandez, Luis y Yanaivis, Diamond (2014), United States
- Fernandez, Jehan y Yenisleidys, Diamond (2014), United States
Discovered liberty and shared liberty - these are the terms used to describe the concepts of found liberty and shared liberty.
When Matas and Aymara Cáceres emigrated from Cuba to the United States with their two children, they were looking for political freedom.
It means a great deal to me to be able to speak freely with other people about our experience, which, as Matas points out, "means a great deal to me."