Hilda, a high school teacher, and Glenn, a successful coach, were dissatisfied with the meagre income Hilda received as a result of her profession.
Even after he rose to the position of high school principal, Glenn discovered that his financial prospects were limited.
It looked like the perfect thing for us to do in addition to teaching." "We were looking for something to do in addition to teaching, and this appeared to be the perfect thing."
Their assessment proved to be right. "After a year of hard work, we were able to more than quadruple our income," Glenn says.
After a year and a half of teaching, I resigned from the position, and Hilda followed suit six months later.
Glenn is still engaged in athletics, and he was recently honoured into the College Sports Hall of Fame for his achievements as an exceptional athlete.
Due to the success of their business, he and Hilda are now able to divide their time between vacations in Colorado and a lake house on the Louisiana Gulf Coast.
"We made a fantastic move in starting the business. We currently travel the world with our family, and we love sports such as golf, tennis, snow skiing, fishing, and hunting in addition to our other interests."