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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Morales, Ivan & Millie Amway

Biographical information: 1956 - 1995 In 1988, Ivan was forced to make a decision. On the contrary, there were an excessive number of obstacles. He was a hairdresser, and he and his wife, Millie, who was also a cosmetologist, ran their own hairdressing business. Also, they found a fitness center. This meant that they worked more than 100 hours a week.

Millie was diagnosed with cancer the following year and was given 18 months to live at the time of her diagnosis. She was unable to return to work as a result of the treatment, operation, and medications. Ivan liquidates his assets, including his gym and salon, and declares insolvency, losing all of him, including his cars, in the process.

Ivan was forced to make difficult decisions because he had three children to raise and a wife who was seriously ill. They had previously worked in the Amway business for four years, but had done so without the benefit of a formal training system. Next, Tony and Wilda Morales appeared, bringing with them an interactive distribution opportunity for their product.

How will Ivan and Millie stay alive? As Millie would say, "Ivan and I were able to defeat each other due to the incredible obstacles provided by the training system (books, cassettes, seminars and conventions). We have been able to overcome all the challenges that have happened to us as a result of the movies and other people in our lives Thank you.

They dedicated themselves to the company and worked hard to achieve success. He came to Diamond in just twenty-seven months after starting from scratch and working on his growth.

How do they manage to complete the task in such a short time? They are in a state of despair! Ivan responded with a smile, which was our last chance to make a good impression. We had worked for the past twelve years, and in reality, we had not achieved freedom, happiness or quality time with our children ... or even hope that something better would come in the future. When I told him the potential of this company, he exclaimed3: "Okay!" No obstacle will hinder us while we complete the task in question ... "

Ivan and Millie, along with their children and a large number of others, have dramatically improved their quality of life as a result of their association with the company. Millie was able to prolong her life thanks to her strong faith and positive attitude, and she was able to enjoy all the freedom and beauty that life has to offer.

Ivan died in August 1995 as a result of tragic circumstances, and Millie died the following August in the same circumstances.

Ivan and Millie have helped thousands of people around the world live more satisfying and prosperous lives.

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